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Recent activity by kwdamp Recent activity Votes
  • Email deliverability issue

    Moving some accounts between 2 cpanel servers. There were some minor issues w/ the Nameservers early on, but everything seems to be sorted now. However, I've gotten this message from google twice...

  • TRANSFER: Account : Insufficient disk space is available. “/var/lib/mysql”

    Trying to do an account transfer between servers and on 2 of the accounts I'm getting an error: TRANSFER: Account "d****s": Insufficient disk space is available. "/var/lib/mysql" on host "*****.cp...

  • Server provisioning w/ Almalinux 8 vs 9


    We're about to deploy a new server for use w/ CPanel bare metal. I'm a little confused with where we are on the Almalinux version support. Is Almalinux 9 now fully supported? Is that the recommen...

  • SSL install for server machine name

    We have gone back to acquiring our SSL certificates from globalsign, overall they have been easy to manage but I am not sure the proper way to install the certificate for the machine name our host ...

  • /var/tmp disk warning for atop

    Started getting a Disk Usage Warning for /var/tmp on one of our dedicated servers last week. Digging into it today it looks like it's the atop.acct file in the atop.d folder that has gotten up to ...

  • Mysql refusing remote connection over vpn

    I've been using the remote access hosts feature on cpanel for awhile to remote into one of our mysql databases on a dedicated server we own. I have a few hours a week I'm on a VPN (expressVPN if i...

  • Correct way to install multiple SSL certs on one account

    Have a dedicated server and we have setup an account with a dedicated IP address. There will be 3 domain names pointing to this account. Right now I have all setup as additional domains in cpanel ...

  • Clients sending email via gmail

    So, recently I've discovered that some of my clients prefer to setup their gmail with their POP email accounts from our dedicated servers. This is fine, and works great except the emails fail SPF ...

  • Need to change machine name nameservers

    My web host setup the initial dns for our dedicated server. Unfortunately for the machine name they used the old nameserver from our previous server. Now we're getting errors ...

  • Proper way to set mime_module with EA

    Migrated to a new server and need to have .html files parsed with php. In the past I've done this by editing the .htaccess file directly to add the .html and .htm extensions to the mime_module for...