Scott Greczkows
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Recent activity by Scott Greczkows-
hi Rex,I submitted a ticket to them yesterday but have not had a reply back. (Great support! not!)I checked the /etc/hosts file and the only thing in there is the server itself.But with that said.....
I just emailed Contabo support. They dont tell you when you pay for Cpanel that it does not come with Cpanel support. :(
Rex,I am unable to submit a ticket. I get the following notice.Restricted Feature This feature is only available if you have purchased a license directly from cPanel.
I can when I get home. I am driving now. (Well will be in a few seconds). It will be about an hour or so.
Nope. [root@speedy scott]# mv /etc/cpsources.conf /root/cpsources.conf.bak mv: cannot stat '/etc/cpsources.conf': No such file or directory
Here is what I see. [root@speedy ~]# cat /etc/cpupdate.confCPANEL=releaseRPMUP=dailySARULESUP=dailySTAGING_DIR=/usr/local/cpanelUPDATES=daily
Just tried that. Getting the same error message.[code][root@speedy ~]# yum clean all142 files removed[root@speedy ~]# yum makecacheEA4 ( EasyApache 4 - c8 ) ...
I do have root access, but I think I found the cause of the issue and fixed it.I had to add the following to the my.cnfnet_read_timeout = 300net_write_timeout = 500The transfer just finished withou...
I was under the impression from Cpanel Anthony that it was.
If I out in server { listen 443 ssl http2; listen [::]:443 ssl http2; } I get the message... nginx: [warn] the "listen ... http2" directive is deprecated, use the "http2" directive instead in...