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Latest activity by feldon27
  • feldon27 created a post,

    Paper Tiger Working Group (PTWG)

    This is a thread for HTML, CSS, and graphic gurus to get together and begin building a WHM/cPanel theme similar to Paper Lantern with the same icons, easy-to-use text, navigation, color scheme, and...

  • feldon27 created a post,

    [CPANEL-21350] "Connect Devices" versus "Set Up Mail Client"

    I flipped through cPanel for 10 minutes today trying to find how to download config files for Outlook for a client. Turns out the option has been renamed to "Connect Devices". 55209

  • feldon27 commented,

    Hi @zodiac9797, The issues you have described are solved in cPanel & WHM version 70. AutoSSL notifications are not sent when AutoSSL is disabled for the account, and AutoSSL contact preferences ar...

  • feldon27 commented,

    As others have said, this is not information that end users need to see. Whether the cPanel account that a customer uses to manage their website is AutoSSL enabled or not is irrelevant to 99.9% of ...

  • feldon27 created a post,

    Apache Logs after EA4 Migration

    Is it normal that apache logs are deleted during the migration from EA3 to EA4? Are they in a directory I'm not aware of?

  • feldon27 created a post,

    Mod_Security DBM Question in 2018

    I'm forced to create a new thread because this forum disallows replying to threads after 1 year (what a strange rule!). This problem still exists after many years: my.ultrawebhosting.com/knowle...

  • feldon27 commented,

    I can verify that the account was actually suspended. The error message is just the confusing part.

  • feldon27 commented,

    This is still a thing that exists. And running whmapi1 suspendacct user=username doesn't change anything. The error is still there. I'm dealing with a rogue user.

  • feldon27 commented,

    Actually, we were discussing adding a sub forum specifically for sharing custom styles. I assume you'd be for that idea? Absolutely. Please add tags for different licenses such as CC, GPL, or ND (n...

  • feldon27 commented,

    Last year, I designed a variant of Paper Lantern which made it a lot more visually rich. I also brought up a number of concerns which as far as I know have not been addressed, chiefly that if you ...