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Latest activity by absolutenetwork
  • absolutenetwork commented,

    I can confirm that this is happening to me since 2 nights ago after the update.

  • absolutenetwork commented,

    PROBLEM SOLVED: It was a matter of login into CSF configuration and disable each the notification.

  • absolutenetwork created a post,

    Lots of emails at my mail queue..

    Im having lots of emails at my mail queue coming from my root account ( looks like notifications ), nothing serious but keeps packing my mail queue. Server is using ConfigServ Firewall + MailScann...

  • absolutenetwork commented,

    Thanks a lot. I will check it out. ;) ;) ;)

  • absolutenetwork created a post,

    Server load a little high.. reason??

    I found that my server Average Load is a little high: Load Averages: 4.73 5.51 4.87 if fluctuates between 2 and 6 .. If i go to the Process Manager at WHM the higiest process that i see is arou...

  • absolutenetwork created a post,

    MySQL process doesnt end, is it normal ??

    Im looking at my Process Manager and shows contantly this proceess: /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --plugin-dir=/usr/lib64/mysql/plugin --user=mysql --log-error=/var/lib...

  • absolutenetwork created a post,

    SPAM account filter rules.. export?? copy?

    Is there any way that for example if i created several rules for a domain ( account level ) and i want to use the same rules with another account.. how can i copy or export this rules? so i wont h...

  • absolutenetwork commented,

    Thanks for the answer Dalem... Anything to worry about.. like a DNS attack or something like that?? At this time my named.conf is: options { recursion no; allow-query { any; }; allow-query-cache...

  • absolutenetwork commented,

    I updated my named.config to: include "/etc/rndc.key"; controls { inet allow { localhost; } keys { "rndc-key"; }; }; acl "trusted" {; }; options { allow-recursion { trusted...

  • absolutenetwork created a post,

    Named Crashing and not restarting

    For some reason named is crashing and not restarting property after that. When i check /var/log/messages i can see a not of entries like this: Nov 23 01:06:38 server named[3513]: lame server reso...