
  • Total activity 13
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Votes on activity by tgv Recent activity Votes
  • dnsadmin testing

    Hello, I'm in the process of writing a plugin for dnsadmin, and I'm having trouble in making sense of command not found as there's no such file (tried in dnsonly and regular servers). Perhaps it'...

  • NAT messed up

    Hi, I'm facing a problem that happened to others but has no published solution: all newly created sites (accounts) get redirected to /cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi, because their VirtualHost directiv...

  • set_mysql_password in postwwwacctuser fails

    Hi there, So I'm refactoring my old trusty postwwwacctuser bash script, part of which creates a database user with strong password and adds its credentials to .my.cnf -- basically for later use wi...