Tom Risager

  • Total activity 130
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Recent activity by Tom Risager Recent activity Votes
  • DNSOnly self-signed SSL cert

    I need to renew a self-signed SSL cert on a DNSOnly server. I believe there used to be an area in the UI where I could generate a new certificate, but I can't seem to locate it this time. Was that...

  • 508 virtual memory errors, but no memory limits

    We updated a server to CL kernel version 3.10.0-614.10.2.lve1.4.50.el7.x86_64 yesterday. We also gave in to the Security Advisor nags and had Kernelcare installed at the same time. This morning we...

  • AutoSSL Mail Subdomain Doesn't Resolve

    We are seeing the same issue as the OP, i.e. there are prominent warnings in the AutoSSL log files if there is no DNS entry for the "mail" subdomain, or if the "mail" subdomain points to an externa...

  • Security Advisor, grub.conf on Centos 7

    I am getting the following from the security advisor Current kernel version does not match the kernel version for boot. running kernel: 3.10.0-427.10.1.lve1.4.7.el7.x86_64, boot kernel: Reboot the...

  • Must access using HTTPS instead of HTTP

    The last couple of days I've been getting this email: Email title: Cron /usr/share/l.v.e-manager/utils/ Email body: Must access using HTTPS instead of HTTP Presumably from a d...

  • The MySQL service is currently configured to listen on all interfaces

    I am getting this red-highlighted error in the security advisor on two cPanel servers: "The MySQL service is currently configured to listen on all interfaces: (bind-address=*) Configure bind-addre...

  • 2FA on DNSOnly

    Is it possible to secure logins to WHM on a DNSOnly server using the new 2FA feature? (I suppose I could just try, but is it supported?)

  • No support reponse on ticket?

    I am having problems with both the cPanel store and the support ticket system. I purchased a Cloudlinux license renewal a couple of weeks ago, but the new license does not show up in the license l...

  • cPanel 11.50 DNS zone

    WHM has an "Edit Zone Templates" function that gives the admin control over how new DNS zones are created. However, theres are some additional records added to each zone that are not found in these...

  • LiteSpeed 5

    We are currently running LiteSpeed 4.2.23 with our cPanel servers, but we are considering upgrading to the 5.0 version. If anyone here has done this already, did everything go smoothly? Any pitfal...