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Recent activity by RWH-Tech Recent activity Votes
  • reject SPF failures setting missing

    I just got a piece of mail last night spoofing an AOL address. I was sure AOL used SPF, so I went to double-check the "Reject SPF failures" to make sure it wasn't reset during some update. "Reject...

  • HTTP/2 and WHM 58 with EA4

    Tested on a clean and dirty CentOS 7 install and running production on a small server for a few weeks now (~20 sites). Will probably give you cancer. If you want symlink protection, you"ll need to...

  • PHP, EA4 and mod_cgid logging?

    I think I've worked myself retarded during a server move, so I figured I'd ask around here. For S&Gs I installed a Softaculous app called SEO something, but when I hit the app's directory the serv...

  • CPAN broken after update to cPanel 58

    EDIT: After some looking, this must've happened during the WHM 56->58 migration. After migrating to EA4, I got a message about broken RPMs for spamassassin and munin. Figured I'd try installing the...

  • High CPU load overnight and funny strace today.

    WHM 54.0 (build 15)- mod_ruid2, PHP-FPM for cpanel enabled. I've gotten high cpu warnings from CSF last night. Saw them this morning and figured people were attacking the server somehow. Processes...

  • DKIM only signing from webmail

    I've finally got some headway made on this issue, but now I'm more puzzled than ever. I was never able to get DKIM to sign my outgoing mail, even though it's a "turn on and forget it" thing. I was ...

  • 11.52 - DMARC record gets mangled when handled by WHM

    DMARC record keeps getting mangled by web interface. Changing TTL also does it. Anyone else having this issue? This is a fresh load of 11.52.10, but I noticed the issue in previous builds, too, was...

  • Email piping bouncing

    This is an account migrated from a shared setup to a VPS. I've tried various things, including allowing full shell, changing php path to /usr/local/bin, double-checked file, directory permissions (...