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Recent activity by Bashy Recent activity Votes
  • New pricing :o

    Wow, what's with the decent price increase, Premier going up over $5 to $53.99, what's that all about, that's just crazy talk... Ps, would t let me add a tag Extortionate

  • backup to a partition

    Hi, when setting up the server i created a 100gb partition called backup in the hope that i can have the backups saved there out of the way, in the backup configuration, i have ticked Mount Backup ...

  • mysqldump: Got error: 130: Incorrect file format

    Well, that dint go down too well The metadata database is corrupt. Scheduling a rebuild. [2018-02-28 02:05:29 +0000] brecklan_alldata: mysqldump: Got error: 130: Incorrect file format 'alldata' w...

  • var/tmp disk warning

    Hi folks I am getting Notification Type: critical ? Server: **************** Primary IP Address: ***.***.***.*** Filesystem: /var/tmp Mount Point: /var/tmp Percent Used: 94.06%...

  • Add Support Link to cPanel

    Hi, is it possible to add kayako live help floating tab in my clients cpanel please?

  • mmap cache

    Hi folks, just come across this error trying to get in to a page [Fri Oct 14 14:12:54 2016] [error] [client [Fri Oct 14 14:12:54 2016] [warn-ioncube] mmap cache can't open /home/-/public_html/st...

  • reseller (partner) license not activated

    Hi, i know this is a long shot but, my problem is this. I have (had) a cpanel license with Roboshift for a while now, i missed my last invoice due to being away and it got suspended, I paid for it...

  • public_html directory owned by nobody

    Hi, i have all folders set to the username except public_html drwxr-x--- 3 USERNAME USERNAME 4096 May 5 07:40 public_ftp/ drwxr-x--- 152 USERNAME nobody 57344 May 15 13:12 public_html/ and...

  • messages log 34mb and growing

    Hi, these are filling the messages log May 13 20:12:13 ns362289 pure-ftpd: (**************) [NOTICE] File successfully renamed or moved: [testtags.phptemp]->[testtags.php] How do i stop these bei...

  • Restore old user account backups from diff server?

    Hi I have just started up a new server, its a fresh install, I have 2 old accounts from an old server backed up using the whm backup utility befroe the old server went off over a year ago. How do...