
  • Total activity 25
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Recent activity by Volt55 Recent activity Votes
  • Copy global email filters

    Hi. I have many domains on a server and they all get similar spam. I have created a nice set of keyword rules in the Global Email Filters on one domain. I'd like to copy this to the others and thou...

  • ModSecurity add & remove rule for a domain

    Hi. I have multiple domains on my server protected with ModSecurity tools. I use a rule (Default HTTP policy: restricted_extensions rule 900240) in ModSecurity that I wish to remove for a single d...

  • Is this website running php7.2?

    I have the following code automatically added to my .htaccess file: # php -- BEGIN cPanel-generated handler, do not edit # NOTE this account's php is controlled via FPM and the vhost, this is a pl...

  • AutoSSL errors, not renewing certificate

    I have multiple Wordpress websites that are failing AutoSSL. Note that I am forcing SSL at Cloudflare. 6:47:07 PM Checking "example.com" " 6:47:07 PM ERROR TLS Status: Defective ERROR Certifica...

  • Upgrade to php 7.2 htaccess question

    Hi. When I upgraded from php 5.6 to 7.2, all of my websites had this in their htaccess file: # php -- BEGIN cPanel-generated handler, do not edit # NOTE this account's php is controlled via FPM an...

  • Possibly Compromised Sccount

    I believe that one of my user's cPanel accounts has been compromised on my CentOS 7.3 server. About 6 months ago they had some forwarders put on their email addresses to unknown accounts, so I dele...

  • Excessive processes running under user

    Recently I have been getting lots of these email warning messages (about 3 daily) from LFD: User:myusername PID:4621 PPID:4609 Run Time:13(secs) Memory:201056(kb) RSS:49632(kb) exe:/opt/cpanel/ea-...

  • httpd-devel installation blocked

    I tried to install mod_geoip using the method on this website: - Removed - At the point where I need to install httpd-devel it fails, saying "Error: Nothing to do". I tracked this down to yum.con...