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  • olliedog commented,

    Your Formatting was wrong in PHP. If any Variables of PHP are used, it should always be in Double Quotes "" else the PHP takes it as a Normal Text! I've given somewhat modified version of the same...

  • olliedog commented,

    I didn't see any Errors! The HTML with URL was correct and I was able to Login... ok, you could auto login with the button? Any idea why I can't? what I should be looking for?

  • olliedog commented,

    The Half URL is loaded because after Login Token, Its lodges the User IP with Session and takes him to Homepage! Im learning and muddling my way through, are you able to advise how I fix this ...

  • olliedog commented,

    I tried your Code and It seems its working Perfectly. May I know what you are trying to achieve? My Guesses... 1. Do You want Auto-Redirection after script Runs? 2. Do You want Auto-Login based on...

  • olliedog created a post,

    cPanel Auto Login Problem

    Ive use the code below to create session to use the auto login function for users, but im having trouble sending the complete url from a form, it seems to cut off everything after login/? json(['er...

  • olliedog created a post,

    cPanel AWS/EC2

    Is it possible to have load sharing with Amazon Web Servers and cPanel running on 2 EC2 instances? and would the cPanel DB have to be on a separate instance for the cPanel instances to use the same...