Our server specialists take care of server issues including: Prevention of server downtime through consistent server maintenance, One-time support service, Server migration service, Migration from DirectAdmin/plesk panel to cPanel (vice-versa), Recovering the failed services immediately with 24/7 emergency server rescue, Prevention of server errors through efficient server administration. You can contact me at mitesh [at] kodeslogic.com
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Version 118 is in the development stage (EDGE) for testing only and not for production servers. Kodeslogic Web Solutions - cPanel Certified Partner Server Management Support ★ Outsourced Web Hos...
The below article will be helpful to solve this problem. https://support.cpanel.net/hc/en-us/articles/1500007993881-Virus-Scanner-in-cPanel-is-stuck Kodeslogic Web Solutions - cPanel Certif...
Please verify whether you have an existing cPanel account for the specified domain or if the domain is added as an add-on to any other account. Additionally, you can determine the account associate...
Cancel the license in your account and purchase a new license on their account with the same IP Then if needed execute the following command: # /usr/local/cpanel/cpkeyclt
It seems to be temporary, you can ignore it.
If you have root access you can check exim logs, if you do not have root-level access then you'll have to reach out to your hosting provider.
If you're experiencing a loop issue when trying to set up a redirect in cPanel's Redirects interface, it's likely because the system is detecting a circular redirection path. Are you using WordPr...
Are you getting this error on the restored sites?
First kill all active upcp processes then execute the below two commands from root user. # /scripts/rpmup # /scripts/upcp --force
Glad you have it resolved