Our server specialists take care of server issues including: Prevention of server downtime through consistent server maintenance, One-time support service, Server migration service, Migration from DirectAdmin/plesk panel to cPanel (vice-versa), Recovering the failed services immediately with 24/7 emergency server rescue, Prevention of server errors through efficient server administration. You can contact me at mitesh [at] kodeslogic.com
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Shared hosting is not appropriate for gaming websites as resources are limited and will not handle high traffic when users will grow with game popularity. You can use shared hosting until your game...
@nitaish You can refer
Hi AFDominguez, What about
@gfserver In the same logs do you see any [COLOR=rgb(251, 160, 38)]WARN or [COLOR=rgb(209, 72, 65)]ERROR entries for addon.com? The second thing to make sure .htaccess file of addon.com sho...
@calamus I have seen such error in past cPanel versions getting resolved after resetting the cPanel password and restarting cPanel service, worth giving a try. I have a question. Is this for all c...
If you have WHM access then posting the logs from WHM Home "SSL/TLS "Manage AutoSSL "Logs "Select a log to view:Click View Log button will help to analyze your problem and suggest you what step sho...
1.) Find the ModSec error in the Apache error logs with the following command (Be sure to modify the command with your IP replacing "" grep ModSec /usr/local/apache/logs/error_log | grep "1...
If you are looking to automatically secure your sub-domains then you will have to enable AutoSSL feature from WHM Home "SSL/TLS "Manage AutoSSL. If you are using shared hosting then you will have t...
@Markif When you see below lines together with one after another in /usr/local/cpanel/logs/access_log there is most chances that for some email account of cPanel user "UserAccount" password mo...
Make sure CC_LOOKUPS = "1" in csf config file (/etc/csf/csf.conf) to display country code and country name.