Our server specialists take care of server issues including: Prevention of server downtime through consistent server maintenance, One-time support service, Server migration service, Migration from DirectAdmin/plesk panel to cPanel (vice-versa), Recovering the failed services immediately with 24/7 emergency server rescue, Prevention of server errors through efficient server administration. You can contact me at mitesh [at] kodeslogic.com
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Temporary remove "show_source, system, shell_exec, passthru, exec, popen" and try to install imagick using the below command: /opt/cpanel/ea-php82/root/usr/bin/pecl install imagick Once it is i...
Can you get back with the output of the below command? grep "disable_functions" /opt/cpanel/ea-php82/root/etc/php.ini Kodeslogic Web Solutions - cPanel Certified PartnerServer Management Support ...
Case 1.) If you are using the domain provider nameserversUse the same interface were you create NS address to create the hostname. Like this: server.example.com Case 2.) If you are us...
Make sure your hostname (example: server.example.com) points to the public IP address of your gcloud instance. Kodeslogic Web Solutions - cPanel Certified PartnerSubmit a ticket ★ Server Manageme...
Make sure the email setting used to configure the email account is correct. Kodeslogic Web Solutions - cPanel Certified PartnerSubmit a ticket ★ Server Management Support ★ Outsourced Web Hosting...
For production purposes, it's recommended to opt for either Ubuntu 20.04 or AlmaLinux 8.
Please verify whether you have an existing cPanel account for the specified domain or if the domain is added as an add-on to any other account. Additionally, you can determine the account associate...
The below article will be helpful to solve this problem. https://support.cpanel.net/hc/en-us/articles/1500007993881-Virus-Scanner-in-cPanel-is-stuck Kodeslogic Web Solutions - cPanel Certif...
I face the same issue with php8.1 and 8.2 and noticed removing "exec" and "open" from php.ini disable_fuction is not enough. I was able to enable Extension imagick after removing all disable_fuctio...
You will have to raise the Max Request Workers in the Apache configuration. You can also consult certified