Wil Colón

  • Total activity 41
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  • Votes 1
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Votes on activity by Wil Colón Recent activity Votes
  • AutoSSL ERROR “Let’s Encrypt™” Incorrect TXT record found at _acme-challenge.<DOMAIN>


    AutoSSL is failing to renew a Let's Encrypt cert. Of Let's Encrypt's Challenge Types I have to use DNS-01 because my CMS conflicts with HTTP-01. What I can't parse out is how to get the correct val...

  • File manager editor fails to Save

    Edits are not saving and the error messages are not helping. I've checked owner, group and permissions for the files and containing folders, all are correct. The error message upon hitting Save is ...

  • Staging license?

    With the forced transition to a Linux distro other that CentOS, I'd like to first test in a staging VM. Is there a way to get a free license, akin to a developer license, but for staging? The

  • Elevate blocked by OpenLogic in Azure VM

    Following the advice from cleared errors reported by /scripts/elevate-cpanel --check in an Azure VM. A related error remains: [ERROR] 2 package(s) installed from unsupported YUM repo 'openlogic' ...

  • Backup stuck

    I'm experiencing the "stuck in in progress" problem that I think this refers to (" backup-5.8.2014_22-36-09_user.tar.gz (Thu May 8 22:36:09 2014) [in progress] "). What log file captures backup wiz...

  • allow_url_fopen is Off in php.ini and On in phpinfo()

    allow_url_fopen is disabled in WHM's Multi PHP INI Editor and php.ini sets it explicitly to Off. None of the files in php.d touch it. And yet, phpinfo() reports it as On. Any thoughts on where that...