Advice and Troubleshooting
- Unable to install or update ea-apache24-mod_lsapi: nothing provides liblsapi
- Updates failed due to MariaDB repo reporting 404 error.
- CloudLinux :: cPanel updates failing due to system packages not being able to install
- EA4 downloads slow AlmaLinux/CentOS 8 ( fastestmirror not in use )
- cPanel updates fail during /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/modsec_vendor
- You can only install cPanel & WHM on a fresh installation of Ubuntu 20.04 or higher.
- Can't install cPanel on CentOS 8
- Azure VMs use Traffic Manager/OpenLogic in CentOS-Base repo, causing rpmup to fail
- "Downgrades to a previous major release are not permitted" message when upgrading to cPanel version 100
- Ubuntu cPanel installer fails if port 11371 is blocked, prevents MySQL gpg keys from being imported
- cPanel updates fail to stage new RPMs with a "No digest data for $RPM" error
- The "alt-php-internal-sqlite3" Package Conflicts With Latest "alt-php-internal-common" Version From "imunify360-rollout-2"
- Munin does not show nginx stats
- YUM updates fail with kernel-core and kexec-tools conflict
- Updates are failing due to GetPageSpeed repo
- Using the pecl interface in WHM Module Installers results in open_basedir or disable_functions errors
- The version for tier 'release' is not defined!
- Munin plugin fails to install due to missing dependencies.
- /usr/sbin/mysqld is needed by cpanel-perl-5xx-munin error during cPanel update
- Package conflict errors with ea-nginx on CloudLinux
- Automatic cPanel updates result in: Upgrade to the next build is blocked in order to gradually distribute upgrades over multiple days.
- Installed cPanel in an LXC container, services won't start and getting a lot of errors
- Dovecot Local Configuration Template Errors
- Cannot Update CloudLinux 6 with Error "Error: Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base"
- Where are the cPanel update logs?
- cPanel update fails due to msodbcsql1x error while running /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/rpmup
- /scripts/upcp Fails With "Failed Dependencies" Errors for ASL Package
- cPanel version 92 install on CloudLinux 8 failed due to missing EA4 RPMs
- upcp reports an error that a new Apache configuration fails due to mod_security rules.
- cPanel update Error: Cannot upgrade to until needed system RPMs are installed