After the WP Toolkit plugin was installed, the below line appears in the wp-config.php files.
Example output:
[root@server ~]cPs# grep Toolkit /home/user/public_html/wp-config.php
define('WP_AUTO_UPDATE_CORE', 'minor'); // This setting is required to make sure that WordPress updates can be properly managed in WP Toolkit. Remove this line if this WordPress website is not managed by WP Toolkit anymore.
WP Toolkit can be installed in a few different ways:
- Automatically ( Toolkit is installed automatically on a server if WP Manager was already previously installed when updating to cPanel version 92. )
- Automatically ( When logging in to WHM after upgrading to 92, the feature showcase item can be selected for install )
- Manual ( Running the installation script for WP Toolkit )
This option was added to allow update settings to be controlled by WP Toolkit. We've reported this issue to developers, and a change was made to update this functionality. This change was applied in version WP Toolkit 5.2.4, which was released on December 23, 2020.
To identify WordPress installs currently affected by this issue, please use the below command:
for domain in `cat /etc/userdatadomains |cut -d"=" -f9`; do find $domain -type f -name wp-config.php -exec grep -H Toolkit {} \;;done
To revert this change for WP Toolkit versions installed before 5.2.4, the below command can be used.
curl -s|bash -s ($path to wordpress home directory)
Please note that you must replace "($path to WordPress home directory)" with the account's directory containing WordPress.
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