How to enable cPanel login notifications for your account.
Please note that to receive notifications for account logins, the cPHulk Brute Force Protection service needs to be enabled on the server.
You can use the following instructions to enable cPanel login notifications:
- Log into the cPanel for which you want to receive login notifications
- Navigate to "Preferences / Contact Information"
- Under "Contact Preferences," enable the option "Someone logs in to my account"
- To be notified for all login attempts, enable the sub-option "Send login notifications, even when the user logs in from an IP address range or netblock that contains an IP address from which a user successfully logged in previously."
- Click "Save" to apply the settings
Login notifications for a particular username, IP, and service are only sent out once every 24 hours. You will not see repeated notifications for each login within a 24 hour period.
If you are not receiving the expected notification, please ensure that the IP address accessing the cPanel interface is not whitelisted in cPHulk's whitelist or included under a cPHulk country whitelist.
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