How do I reset my hostname service SSL to a self-signed?
The cPanel software provides free SSL certificates for valid hostnames. Before resetting to a self-signed certificate, we advise running the following command to check if a signed one can be installed.
/usr/local/cpanel/bin/checkallsslcerts --verbose
In some cases, you may need or still want to replace the current certificate with a self-signed one temporarily. To do so, you can either initiate the reset task through the WHM interface or using the associated API.
To do this through WHM, navigate to the interface "Home »Service Configuration »Manage Service SSL Certificates". Next to each service is a hyperlink labeled 'Reset Certificate', click this to reset the service to a self-signed certificate.
To do this using our API, run the command below on your server as the root user. You would need to change the desired service field to the one you wish to reset.
whmapi1 reset_service_ssl_certificate service=cpanel
For more details on these options, please visit the following documentation.
Manage Service SSL Certificates
WHM API 1 Functions - reset_service_ssl_certificate
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