An error similar to the following will be encountered when running a backup.
Cpanel::Exception::ProcessFailed::Error/(XID redctd) “/usr/bin/mysqldump”
reported error code “3” when it ended: mysqldump: Error 1194: Table
'db_options' is marked as crashed and should be repaired when dumping
table `db_options` at row: 150
An error similar to the following may also be found in the MySQL error log.
[ERROR] /usr/sbin/mysqld: Table './db_name/table_name' is marked as
crashed and should be repaired
Sometimes, a MySQL database will be marked as crashed and require repair. The "MySQL® Databases" application in cPanel can be used to repair the database.
Please note that the "Repair a MySQL® Database" interface does not support InnoDB tables.
- Log into the cPanel account of the users whose database has a crashed table.
- Open the "MySQL® Databases" application.
- Under "Modify Databases," select the database to repair from the "Repair Database" dropdown menu.
- Click the "Repair Database" button.
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