When attempting to add a database user to a database in cPanel, you are presented with an error similar to the following.
The system failed to grant privileges on the database "$databasename" to the user "$dbusername" because of an error: (XID fjur83n) This system will not add the database user "$dbusername" to the database "$databasename" because this user does not have a password.
This issue occurs when the database user exists in the cPanel user's database map file, but not in the mysql.user table. Rebuilding the database map file will correct this issue.
- Access the server's command line as the 'root' user via SSH or "Terminal" in WHM.
- Move the user's JSON database map file out of the way.
mv -v /var/cpanel/databases/$cpusername.json{,.$(date +%s)}
Please note that "$cpusername" must be replaced with the cPanel user's username. - Run the
script for the user./scripts/rebuild_dbmap $cpusername
Please note that "$cpusername" must be replaced with the cPanel user's username.
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