In most cases, you should contact your hosting provider for support with topics such as cPanel account login failures and cPanel account access problems.
If you are not the hosting provider, you will want to reach out to your hosting provider directly. The hosting provider is typically the company that you pay for hosting services, and it is also where your domain is pointing to via nameservers or an A record. They will be able to help you with any issues you have with your website, email, cPanel login or your hosting plan.
For more information, see How to Identify Your Hosting Provider.
On a typical cPanel & WHM server, the cPanel user interface and login page listen on port 2083 over SSL. Note that if you visit cPanel over an IP address or a domain without a matching certificate, your browser will display a warning which can typically be bypassed by clicking Advanced and Proceed (or similar).
To access cPanel, enter one of the following URLs in your preferred browser:
— Access cPanel over an encrypted connection with your IP address.
— Access cPanel over an encrypted connection with your domain name.
Here are some alternative methods:
- https://cpanel.domain.tld
- http://domain.tld/cpanel
- As root or a reseller from WHM. If you're already logged into the Web Host Manager interface, you can click on the orange "cP" icon next to the account username on the Account Information > List Accounts feature page.
The following documentation might also be helpful:
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