Account Administration
- Paper Lantern Deprecation and Removal Schedule
- Unable to access cPanel/WHM in WP Squared when 2FA is enabled
- How to Move Your Existing cPanel License with Another Provider to cPanel Direct
- WP-toolkit Package extension settings do no take effect when creating an account via WHMAPI or the wwwacct script
- Account Creation Status: failed Missing DEFMOD Config Line in /etc/wwwacct.conf
- Store - Change Payment Method of Invoice
- Maxmind Error
- Manage your Addons in the cPanel Store
- The system received an error from the “SQLite” database “/var/cpanel/bandwidth_cache.sqlite”: SQLITE_CORRUPT
- How to generate an SSH Key using the command line
- How to terminate a cPanel account from the command line
- How to change PHP handlers from the command line
- Partner: How to Activate 3rd Party License Agreements In Manage2
- Cannot delete email forwarders and no error is shown in the "Forwarders" interface
- How to enable "Manage Team"
- How to create an SFTP only user
- api.sort.enable does not sort the values
- The server’s hostname conflicts with domain ownership for the user “nobody”
- How to disable the "Choose a starting point" dialogue box in cPanel version 104+
- Does the Disk Usage include MySQL usage?
- New account creation notification email
- How To List Accounts With Their "MAX_EMAIL_PER_HOUR" Above A Certain Value?
- Why am I seeing "This account has reached the fixed block count 5120000" in List accounts?
- Unable to use the API connection from WHMCS to login to Reseller accounts.
- Is there a CLI that can display the package details such as disk usage, bandwidth quota etc?
- Account Termination Fails With "You do not have a user named $USERNAME."
- How to Migrate from Paper Lantern to Jupiter
- Cannot enable/disable WP Toolkit
- How do I list all domains for a user account on my server?
- On CloudLinux servers, EA-PHP 5.3 and lower are not selectable features in WHM's Feature Manager