We have received reports that updating to CentOS 7.8.2003 is resulting in the PHP extension "imagick" being removed. When checking a PHP Information page, the extension will not be visible.
To determine if you are affected you can review if the following package updates occurred within the /var/log/yum.log file:
Apr 28 00:31:25 Updated: ImageMagick-
Apr 28 00:33:01 Updated: ImageMagick-perl-
Apr 28 00:33:02 Updated: ImageMagick-devel-
The noted workaround for this upstream issue is to uninstall "imagick" with PECL and then reinstall the package. If PHP-FPM is in use, then you will also need to restart Apache or apache_php_fpm after reinstallation.
The reinstallation can either be performed through WHM's PHP PECL Installer interface or through the command-line interface.
Information on how to reinstall through the UI can be found via the following documentation. If you find that the PECL interface states it is not installed, skip the uninstall step and install it.
Alternatively, this can be done on the command-line using the following example (PHP 7.1):
/opt/cpanel/ea-php71/root/usr/bin/pecl uninstall imagick
/opt/cpanel/ea-php71/root/usr/bin/pecl install imagick
When you encounter the following prompt, just hit enter to continue:
Please provide the prefix of ImageMagick installation [autodetect] :
Reinstallation should allow for the PHP extension "imagick" to be reinstalled and continue working as intended.
Our general support article on how to install ImageMagick can also be found below:
How to Install ImageMagick for EA-PHP and ALT-PHP
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