How to enable and add applications to 'Site Software' in the cPanel interface.
You will want to verify what current applications are available through the cPanel interface 'Site Software'.
Log into cPanel and navigate to the following location:
cPanel: Home -> Software -> Site Software
If enabled, you will find what application(s) are available.
If not enabled, you will see the following:
To enable 'Site Software', you will need to access WHM as the 'root' user. You may need to reach out to your Hosting Provider or Server Administrator for access.
To enable 'Site Software', you will need to access WHM 'cPAddon' feature in the following location:
WHM: Home -> cPanel -> Install cPAddons Site Software
By default, there are two applications available for installation:
Select which option you wish, and click the 'Update cPAddon Config' button.
At this point, you can navigate back to 'Site Software' in the cPanel interface, and your selected applications will be present.
If you wish more applications, you can add them using the 'Vendor Links':
The 'Vendor Links' will allow 3rd party cPAddon Site Software packages not provided by cPanel.
The most reliable place to find applications that can be used by 'Site Software' is at the following URL:
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