The default character set or collation for MySQL is set to latin1 for database, What is the default character set for MySQL on cPanel & WHM servers?
Sometimes you will need to change this for a particular database. You can access PHPMyAdmin through the cPanel interface to accomplish this.
Changing the default collation or character set for a database.
- Log in to your cPanel account.
- Under the DATABASES section of the cPanel interface, click phpMyAdmin.
- Once loaded, select the database you want to modify from the left side.
- Click the Operations section in the top menu.
Under Collation, choose the new collation that you need for the database, and then click Go.
This will need to be done for each table. Only new tables will use the character set that was changed.
Changing the default collation or character set for a table.
If you need to do this per table, you can also do this from the PHPMyAdmin interface.
- From PHPMyAdmin.
- From the left window, click the + icon next to the database that has your tables.
- Click on the name of the table that you need to modify.
- From the top menu, click Operations.
- Then, under Table options, in the Collation list box, select the collation that you want for the table, and then click Go.
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