On A DNS ONLY server, it's possible for a large number of touch files to exist in /var/cpanel/dnsrequests_db and potentially cause an inode limit issue. We are aware of this and have internal case ID CPANEL-40059 for this issue however there is no estimated time for a fix. In the meantime, the following can be placed into a cron script and run once daily.
The touch files found in /var/cpanel/dnsrequests_db serve as a way to provide a unique ID for individual DNSAdmin communications. If your DNS cluster is very large you may find that the directory fills with touch files more quickly. In that case, it is perfectly fine to clear this directory out more often and restart DnsAdmin as is outlined in the procedure below.
Create a bash script with the following:
find /var/cpanel/dnsrequests_db/ ! -mtime -3 -exec rm -f '{}' \;
echo -n $(date +%s) > /var/cpanel/dnsrequests_db.last_clean_time;
/scripts/restartsrv_dnsadmin --hard;
Then place that bash script into a root cron job to be run daily. You can learn how to edit the root crontab here :
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