In some circumstances, it is helpful to manage the Enginetron plugin via the command line interface. This is done by using the bash script.
The usage for is as follows:
# bash /
_______ _____________ ____________ ____ _ __
/ ____/ | / / ____/ _/ | / /_ __/ __ \/ __ \/ | / /
/ __/ / |/ / / __ / // |/ / / / / /_/ / / / / |/ /
/ /___/ /| / /_/ // // /| / / / / _, _/ /_/ / /| /
/_____/_/ |_/\____/___/_/ |_/ /_/ /_/ |_|\____/_/ |_/
Engintron (v1.14.0) is the easiest way to integrate Nginx on your cPanel/WHM server.
Usage: / [command] [flag]
Main commands:
install Install, re-install or update Engintron (enables Nginx by default).
Add optional flag "mainline" to install Nginx mainline release.
remove Remove Engintron completely.
enable Set Nginx to ports 80/443 & Apache to ports 8080/8443
disable Set Nginx to ports 8080/8443 & switch Apache to ports 80/443
purgecache Purge Nginx's "cache" & "temp" folders,
then restart both Apache & Nginx
purgelogs Purge Nginx's access & error log files
Utility commands:
res Restart web servers only (Apache & Nginx)
res force Restart Apache & force restart Nginx (kills all previous Nginx processes)
resall Restart Cron, CSF & LFD (if installed), Munin (if installed),
MySQL, Apache, Nginx
80 Show active connections on port 80 sorted by connection count & IP,
including total concurrent connections count
443 Show active connections on port 443 sorted by connection count & IP,
including total concurrent connections count
fixaccessperms Change file & directory access permissions to 644 & 755 respectively
in all user /public_html directories
fixownerperms Fix owner permissions in all user /public_html directories
restoreipfwd Restore Nginx IP forwarding in Apache
cleanup Cleanup Mac or Windows specific metadata & Apache error_log files
in all user /public_html directories
info Show basic system info
~~ Enjoy Engintron! ~~
A usage example would be the following command to restart Apache and Nginx:
# bash / res
Full documentation can be found on Engintron's website.
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