To Migrate an existing SSL certificate to a server with a different IP address, you will need to copy the certificate and the key for the domain from "Home » SSL/TLS » SSL Storage Manager" on the source server and install them on the new server via the "Home » SSL/TLS » Install an SSL Certificate on a Domain" interface.
- Log into WHM on the source server in which the certificate is installed, and navigate to "Home » SSL/TLS » SSL Storage Manager".
- Click the magnifying glass icon next to the domain under the "Certificates" column in "Home » SSL/TLS » SSL Storage Manager".
- Copy the certificate information from the "Raw Text" text box.
- In a new browser tab or window, log into WHM on the destination server and navigate to "Home » SSL/TLS » Install an SSL Certificate on a Domain".
- Input the domain name in the "Domain:" text box.
- Paste the certificate copied from the original server into the "Certificate:" text box.
- On the source server, click the magnifying glass icon next to the domain under the "Key" column in "Home » SSL/TLS » SSL Storage Manager".
- Copy the key information from the "Raw Text" text box.
- On the destination server, paste the key copied from the original server into the "Private Key:" text box
- Click "Install" at the bottom.