The cPanel update fails, and an error similar to the following can be seen in the cPanel update log.
[2021-09-02 01:20:58 -0400] E [/usr/local/cpanel/scripts/expunge_expired_transfer_sessions] Cpanel::Exception::Database::Error/(XID asqbvn) The system received an error from the “SQLite” database “/var/cpanel/transfer_sessions/whmxfer.sqlite”: SQLITE_CORRUPT (database disk image is malformed)
Selecting entries from the whmxfer.sqlite
database will return an error.
[root@server ~]cPs# sqlite3 /var/cpanel/transfer_sessions/whmxfer.sqlite "select * from sessions" Error: database disk image is malformed
A corrupted transfer session database causes this and can be corrected by moving the corrupt database aside so that it can be regenerated.
- Access the server's command line as the 'root' user via SSH or "Terminal" in WHM.
- Move the database out of the way so that it can be regenerated.
mv -v /var/cpanel/transfer_sessions/whmxfer.sqlite{,.$(date +%s)}
- Run the update again.
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