If you try to enable WP Toolkit Deluxe, you get an error that your current WP Toolkit version is old [0:5.5.0-2623].
Even if you upgrade the cPanel version to a newer version, WP Toolkit stays at version 0:5.5.0-2623
We have opened an internal case for this issue CPANEL-39217
Even if you try to upgrade your cPanel version to a newer version, WP Toolkit stays at version 0:5.5.0-2623.
There is a temporary workaround:
Please connect to your server via SSH as a root user and check the WP Toolkit version.
To do this, execute:
rpm -qa| grep toolkit
To update your old WP Toolkit, first, you will need to remove version: wp-toolkit-cpanel-5.5.0-2623.x86_64
Execute the following command to remove the old version:
yum remove wp-toolkit-cpanel-5.5.0-2623.x86_64
As a next step, you will need to install WP Toolkit again by following our article:
How do I install WP Toolkit via the command line?
And after this, the new version of WP Toolkit will be installed to confirm the version you can use:
rpm -qa | grep toolkit
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