Let's say you've hired a developer to create a website and, while you would like the developer to upload their work to your server, you don't want to give them access to your cPanel account.
In this case you can use Web Disk or FTPES / FTP-SSL credentials.
Solution: Using Web Disk
With this option, you would create an additional Web Disk account specifically for your developer. When you create a new Web Disk account, you can specify the login credentials to be used, the location of the directory the user (in this case, your developer) will have access to, and the permissions on the directory.
Web Disk accounts are recommended because they utilize a secure connection, unlike FTP, and can use a separate user account to avoid direct cPanel access.
Refer to our Web Disk documentation for additional information and/or our video tutorial on Web Disk.
Solution: Using FTPES / FTP-SSL
With this option, you can create an FTP account in cPanel and connect securely using those FTP credentials by specifying the use of FTPES / FTP-SSL in your FTP client. Within your server, you will also need to modify the default FTP configuration to force TLS, otherwise the the credentials may still be used to connect to FTP insecurely and an insecure connection is the default on many FTP clients.
To force a secure connection over FTP, please see the following support articles:
Refer to our FTP documentation for additional information and/or our video tutorial on FTP Accounts.
Note: Other options we offer for uploading content to the server include SFTP, Git, SSH, and the File Manager.
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