When ordering an SSL through cPanel, occasionally you might run into an issue where the SSL details are not sent to your email. There are several reasons this might happen but the most common reason is that the order has become stuck in a "Pending" status.
This error is most common when using a version of cPanel older than version 94. This is due to the improvement in security standards by Certificate Authorities which has been incorporated in the latest versions of cPanel/WHM.
If you are on a version older than version 94, we encourage you to upgrade to a more recent version of cPanel to avoid this issue in the future. You can check your version number by following the steps on the page What is My Version Number?. You can also find instructions on how to update your instance of cPanel by navigating to our knowledge base article How to Update Your System
NOTE: To ensure compliance, our team recommends using the following versions of cPanel
- 94 at and above
- 98 at and above
- 100 at and above
CentOS 6
cPanel users that are still using CentOS 6 that are unable to upgrade to CentOS 7 or higher will need to consider utilizing CloudLinux in order to take advantage of the latest releases of cPanel. Upgrading to CloudLinux will allow CentOS 6 users to receive extended support from CloudLinux. Information about obtaining CloudLinux can be found here.
If you are still experiencing issues with SSL orders after upgrading your version of cPanel, please reach out to our Customer Service Team for further assistance.