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CPANEL-36888 - Exim Configuration False warnings when redirecting to default routers



  • cPanelLauren
    Hi @Deion Yu Can you provide the exact custom router you added? I'd like to see if I can replicate.
  • Deion Yu
    Hello @cPanelLauren Here's the custom router that was added to the PREVIRTUALUSER section. magicspam_virtual_user_spam: driver = redirect domains = !$primary_hostname condition = ${if def:header_X-MagicSpam-Spam:{1}{0}} require_files = "+/etc/valiases/$domain:+/etc/magicspam/control/quarantine_local:+${extract{5}{::}{${lookup passwd{${lookup{$domain}lsearch{/etc/userdomains}{$value}}}{$value}}}}/mail/$domain/$local_part" headers_remove="x-uidl" data = "$local_part+spam@$domain" redirect_router = virtual_user
  • cPanelLauren
    Hi @Deion Yu Have you checked out magic spams forums? MagicSpam PRO for WHM/cPanel Release 2.1-9.1 is now available - Wizard IT Products It does seem they had issues with this problem/similar issues previously. For this custom router, I would suggest discussing it with them first.
  • Deion Yu
    Hello @cPanelLauren I'm actually a developer for MagicSpam and based on my testing the problem does not seem to be with MagicSpam in this particular case. As previously mentioned, the custom redirect router is working as expected. Running the buildeximconf and restartsrv_exim scripts from the command line yields no error messages or warnings. The issue seems to persist solely on the cPanel Exim Configuration Manager Advanced Editor interface as even when adding a bare minimum custom router like the following to the PREVIRTUALUSER section: custom_virtual_user_redirect: driver = redirect condition = yes data = "$local_part+spam@$domain" redirect_router = virtual_user
    The interface still produces the warning message: Warning! directive_matcher could not parse error: 2019-03-06 21:00:19 cwd=/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot 4 args: /usr/sbin/exim -bV -C /etc/ 2019-03-06 21:00:19 Exim configuration error: new_router "virtual_user" not found for "custom_virtual_user_redirect" router
    Any help you can provide on this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your continued support.
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello @Deion Yu, I've reproduced the reported behavior and opened internal case CPANEL-26137 to report the issue. I'll monitor this case and update this thread with more information on it's status as it becomes available. Thank you.
  • negrusti
    Is there any update on this? Facing the same issue
  • cPanelMichael
    Is there any update on this? Facing the same issue

    There's no update on the status of this case to report at this time, however I'll continue to monitor it and report back here as soon as new information is available. In the meantime, you can safely ignore this warning message when this happens, as the custom change is saved despite the message. Thank you.
  • Markif
    Hello, some years later, is there some update on CPANEL-26137 ? Facing the same issue here when saving "Exim Configuration Manager" / "advanced editor". In fact not need to save, the modal popups just by showing the page. -----) Warning! directive_matcher could not parse error: 2021-05-05 04:19:54.256 [703502] cwd=/usr/local/cpanel/whostmgr/docroot 4 args: /usr/sbin/exim -bV -C /etc/ 2021-05-05 04:19:54.256 [703502] Exim configuration error: new_router "virtual_user" not found for "virtual_user_mailscanner" router (----- PS : The "virtual_user_mailscanner router is added via an include .include_if_exists /usr/msfe/spambox.conf I can send my exim.conf and spambox.conf in a DM if you want to look at it Thanks for your help
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    @Markif - the original case was closed as it was determined there would need to be a substantial redesign to that area of the interface in order to get it resolved. If you're still seeing this issue could you open a ticket so we could do some additional testing?
  • Markif
    @cPRex Thanks for inviting to open a ticket to look closer into this ! Ticket = #94323336
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Thanks so much - I'm following along with that ticket now and I'll be sure to post our findings here.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Our team has created a new case for this behavior based on additional testing. If you're signed in to our ticket system, you can follow along with that here:
  • JoseDieguez
    Our team has created a new case for this behavior based on additional testing. If you're signed in to our ticket system, you can follow along with that here:
  • The German
    It is utterly pathetic that this problem has been going on for years - if the developers are too dumb to fix this, FIRE THEM AND GET REPLACEMENTS! The company should have enough money to hire the best available, looking at the ridiculous monthly charges you collect. And yes, the error is still around and did not magically disappear.
  • Secmas
    I confirm that the issue is still alive.
  • JoseDieguez
    yep, when using the editor, it pops up every few seconds..
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Thanks for letting me know this is still happening. At this point, it's unlikely this is getting fixed. My best recommendation, and I really wish I had a better plan B for all of you, would be for @JoseDieguez to reach out to their account manager and let them know that CPANEL-36888 is still ongoing and that you'd really like a fix. I'm sorry I don't ahve better news on this one.
  • EneTar
    Same issue here, is there any workaround until cpanel fixes it?
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I'm not aware of any workarounds at this time either.
  • The German
    What the f..k do you collect all the money for if you simply decide that it would take some effort to fix a bug and therefore it will not be done??????? Time to get a BBB complaint out and check if legal actions can convince your POS management to deliver what they sell - a functional software.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    @The German - since you mentioned potential legal issues, I have to lock this thread.
  • dospi

    Hi, Is there any changes in this issue? ITs no normal 5 years later that a known bug is not being solved. We, the customer, pay a quote, and it has rised many times, and it's no normal that this money is not used to solve bugs knowed.

    Maybe it's time to thin k about paying other software developers that manatain their products with the money they get.


  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    dospi - it looks like the lock on this thread was removed when it was migrated over to Zendesk.  I'll re-lock the thread after this reply, but I don't have any additional updates on my end about this particular case.

    Unfortunately, the reality is that all cases just can't get fixed.  No one likes this answer - customers don't want to hear that, and we certainly don't want to have known issues in the product, but we have to prioritize the things we work on.  This thread represents all the reports we have on this issue.

    I know that's not the answer anyone will want to hear, but it's honest and reflects the current state of this particular case.

    I did bring this up with our email team today to let them know a new user is still experiencing this issue, and I'll be sure to post again if I have an update.


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