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Questions about Extended Support for CloudLinux 6



  • ffeingol
    Crickets, that's a bit disappointing. From what I can see there seems to be a disconnect between what cPanel says is being supported and what CloudLinux says is being support. It would be really nice to get some clarification (or whom to contact to get clarification).
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello @ffeingol, I'm looking into this now and will respond here shortly once I've confirmed the answer to your question. Thank you.
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello @ffeingol, For anyone else reading this, the purpose of this thread is to seek clarification on the extent to which CloudLinux will publish updates for packages such as "openssh-clients" to the Thanks!
  • ffeingol
    @cPanelMichael, First, thank you very much for taking the time to research and reply. Per my original post, I had already reached out to CloudLinux and the answer that I got back was that they were only supporting the hybrid kernel. The announcement sounded very exciting (as we were really not looking forward to having to migrate accounts off CentOS V6 to V7), but based on these replies, it looks like we will have to do that. Having an up to date kernel once CloudLinux V6 goes EOL is nice, but if no one is maintaining the rest of the OS packages it looks like security disaster / nightmare waiting to happen.
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello @ffeingol, I'm going to continue to look into this for you over the next couple of days to see if I can provide you with more information from CloudLinux specific to this topic. The intent here is to provide a safe alternative for anyone currently using RHEL/CentOS 6, so I believe we may just be lacking some general technical information about CloudLinux OS itself that might address your concern. Thanks for your patience.
  • ffeingol
    If it helps, we've used CloudLinux for quite a while, so we are pretty familiar with it. While I only got a reply from "Level 1 Support", he made it pretty clear that they would only be supporting the hybrid kernel on CL V6. I'm certainly interested in any further information that you can provide.
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello @ffeingol, I'm still looking into this, but for others seeing this thread I did want to point out one key benefit of converting your CentOS 6 and/or RHEL 6 servers to CloudLinux OS 6: Extended support for cPanel & WHM Here's a key quote from the cPanel Blog: [QUOTE] cPanel & WHM Version 86: The last version to support CentOS 6 LTS version of cPanel & WHM, Version 86. Only one version of cPanel & WHM enters the LTS tier each year, and is supported until March 31st the following year. In this case, Version 86 will be 2020"s LTS version, and will be supported by us until March 31st, 2021.
    Then, over on : [QUOTE] What happens when an OS reaches EOL? An OS that reaches EOL continues to function normally. Existing cPanel & WHM installations on systems that reach EOL also continue to function normally. However, you will be unable to perform the following tasks on an operating system that reaches EOL:
    • Fresh installations of cPanel & WHM " We prevent new installations after the OS reaches EOL.
    • Upgrades to new versions of cPanel & WHM " We prevent upgrades after the OS reaches EOL.
    • OS-specific fixes " We do not provide fixes, security or otherwise, after the OS reaches EOL.

    One note, I notice that CloudLinux 6.x still appears next to November 30, 2020 on the operating systems table of this document. I'll look into this some more to determine if an internal case is needed to correct the document. Thank you.
  • CloudLinux Skhristich
    If it helps, we've used CloudLinux for quite a while, so we are pretty familiar with it. While I only got a reply from "Level 1 Support", he made it pretty clear that they would only be supporting the hybrid kernel on CL V6. I'm certainly interested in any further information that you can provide.

    Hello! We will be supporting: 1. Hybrid kernel 2. CL6 kernel 3. Regular RHEL6 kernel As part of CL6 extended lifecycle support. Thank you. Regards, Marketing coordinator CloudLinux
  • Infopro
    Hello! We will be supporting:

    Thanks for posting. The unanswered question is still this though:
    So if CloudLinux is keeping the kernel updated, who is keeping all the rest of the packages updated?

  • cPanelMichael
    Hello @ffeingol, Good news! I've been in touch with CloudLinux and I can confirm that with the extended support, CloudLinux OS 6 will continue to receive the same package updates that it receives now. The caveat is that updates to packages will be limited to security issues only. Thus, from a security perspective you are covered until June 30, 2024, and from the cPanel & WHM perspective you get all of the updates for the packages we manage until June 30, 2024 as well. Let me know if this helps. Thank you.
  • mtindor
    That is good news, Michael. Thanks for the clarification. Of course, the ability of one to update through all of the latest WHM versions over that extended period will not be available (from what I've taken in based upon reading about WHM and CentOS 6) -- Thus the farther along past the EOL date somebody continues to run CL 6 + cPanel, they are going to be missing all sorts of features / updates that people on CentOS 7 / CL 7 will get by virtue of those people having access to the newest versions of WHM/cPanel. So it is still best for everyone to plan on migrating to CentOS 7 / CL 7 before the EOL date. Mike
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello @mtindor, Actually, I believe that one key aspect of the extended support for CloudLinux OS 6 is that support for cPanel & WHM will extend as well (meaning your CloudLinux OS 6 servers are not stuck on old cPanel & WHM versions). I've opened internal case DOC-13015 to get confirmation of that (and if so to have Third-Party Software End Of Life Policy - cPanel Knowledge Base - cPanel Documentation updated to reflect this). I'll update this thread with more information once this case is processed. Thank you.
  • mtindor
    It would be grand
    Hello @mtindor, Actually, I believe that one key aspect of the extended support for CloudLinux OS 6 is that support for cPanel & WHM will extend as well (meaning your CloudLinux OS 6 servers are not stuck on old cPanel & WHM versions). I've opened internal case DOC-13015 to get confirmation of that (and if so to have
  • cPanelMichael
    Hello, The following document is now updated with the new EOL date of June 30, 2024 for CloudLinux 6:
  • Steini Petur
    @cPanelMichael are you aware that cPanel still shows this note for people who run CloudLinux 6 [QUOTE]On November 30, 2020, CloudLinux" will stop supporting CloudLinux" 6 on all systems, including your server. At that time CloudLinux" will no longer provide bug, security, or feature updates. We encourage you to
    I am currently running on most of our servers CLOUDLINUX 6.10, isn't this message going to be removed since they have extended or at the very least mention the extension for those who wish to remain with CL6?? Is there a reason this yellow balloon stays there.
  • AM2015
    Question -- I just tried to upgrade to CloudLinux via WHM -- I purchased the license but could not complete the installation. I received the following error message: [Quote]You are running inside VZ container, without LVE support.
    I understand the problem -- but I am not clear whether there is a solution and/or where I should go for help. I can't make sense of online documentation to figure out what is current info vs. old information. 1) Does the CPanel / CloudLinux partnership include continued support for Virtuozzo Containers? 2) If so, what needs to be done to make it work? 3) If not, is there a workable alternative? 4) If there is a way to make it work ... WHERE should I go for support? My hosting company? CPanel support? CloudLinux support?
  • kernow
  • ffeingol
    I agree with the open a CL ticket, but I highly doubt it will work. OpenVZ is a container, not a VPS. A container shares it's kernel with the host OS. CloudLinux needs it's own kernel for a lot of the features, so it's not going to work.
  • CloudLinux Skhristich
    Hello, Starting from November 1st, 2019, CloudLinux does not support Virtuozzo and OpenVZ containers. However, you can run CloudLinux OS on OpenVZ 6 and Virtuozzo 6 hypervisors. The hypervisor virtualization is the same as for Xen/KVM/VMware. Check how to run hypervisors here Installation
  • ffeingol
    Based on @AM2015 reply, he doe snot control the hypervisor, he is just renting an OpenVZ VPS, so I'm guessing he is stuck.
  • sneader
    I recently enabled CloudLinux Extended Lifecycle Support (ELS) for CentOS 6 on a cPanel server, but cPanel updates are still blocked. Can anyone confirm that you must have full-blown CloudLinux 6 installed, to continue to get cPanel updates? i.e. that purchasing and installing CloudLinux ELS is not good enough? - Scott
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    @sneader - that's correct. While the ELD tool will get you basic OS updates, it won't get you all the tools necessary to update cPanel so you'd want the full CL conversion.

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