whats going on with licensing
I've spent the last 6 years or more using WHM and Cpanel, learning tons of stuff over this period.
I'm considering a server upgrade, but due to licensing issues my datacentre are not currently offering CPanel.
OK, so, I'll rent the dedicated server and buy my own license from Cpanel, but when I look at the pricing, it's gone crazy.
The cheapest Cpanel option for me is $45 per month.
I don't have this sort of budget, for a dozen domains, and may be forced to switch to Plesk.
I really don't want to, but I don't see any other avenue.
Whats going on ?????
Also, i'll be perfectly honest and up front, the answer to this thread will probably determine my decsision. :( 0 -
I think the same company that bought cPanel prior to the pricing change (Oakley Capital) owns Plesk, so it might not be a good way to go if you jump ship. You might also want to look at other hosts. It seems like the price change was such a shock that some hosts are taking relatively drastic approaches to dealing with it. My host is still charging $20 per month for a cPanel license on a dedicated box with less than 50 accounts, and say they aren't changing the price with the new cPanel pricing structure for that level, so there are still some around. 0 -
I currently pay "19.99, but this will increase to "35 mid january. I can't accept this sort of hike. It's day light robbery. And thet don't offer cpanel on fresh installs. 0 -
cPanel/WHM had been working on the pricing changes that were announced in June for some time now. We hadn't modified our pricing structure in over a decade, during which the product has grown exponentially and the way that it's used has expanded as well. In order to keep up with this growth, and the added need for development growth as well as to ensure that we can expand the product moving forward (as well as many other factors I'm probably unaware of) we went with the account-based model which does change the way everyone is used to seeing the structure. That being said, in some instances customers are seeing an increase in pricing, some are also seeing a decrease - a lot of users expressed their feelings on this both good and bad. We heard everyone's opinions on this change and I can assure you all of that went directly to our executive team. - For your specific needs @keat63 it sounds like your provider may be moving away from being a cPanel/WHM partner and while I can't offer any advice for that specific partner, it may behoove you to look at another reseller for your cPanel license if that's the case. Depending on your configuration you might also look at the Cloud licensing which offers alternate options for users on VPS/CloudBased systems with under 30 accounts. 0 -
I really didn't want to start learning how to drive plesk, so i'm in the process of swicthing providers. 0 -
@keat63 Let me know if there's anything along the way we can to do help. 0 -
Not really much I could do. I've seen my my license increase from "19.99 per month to "35.00 per month, or $45.00 per month if I bought my own. Fair enough if I were a reseller and issuing a large number of accounts, however, I'm not, I have half a dozen domains on a dedicated server. I'm sure I'm not alone. Maybe Cpanel ought to consider us smaller operators. 0 -
Our licenses prior to our change had been $35 dollars and that rate had been in place for over a decade. When we changed the license structure the price increased by $10 dollars for users that were on hardware servers. What the reseller charges though, we did not make modifications to. 0 -
I'm struggling to undertand why some licenses are only available on cloud solutions. I could easily fall in to the Admin bracket if I arranged my domains thus. Maybe even the Solo. However, I choose to use a dedicated server and now it's going to costs me $45 I'll be honest, i seriously considered switching to Plesk, my finger was hovering over the button. Had I not got called away from my desk at that precise moment in time, I'm certain that I would now be learning Plesk. 0 -
I don't know the specific reasoning for (as that's more of an account manager sort of question) it but my assumption is that in most cases more enterprise-level (shared hosting, business hosting etc.) is shown to be done on dedicated servers opposed to smaller operations which tend to lean more toward the cloud/VPS market. I know that a lot of research went into the changes they made, in fact, it was in process for 2 years before it was completed. I am sorry to hear that it's having an adverse effect for you. 0 -
I think they try to tell web hosters how to do hosting right (true) by tell them how much account per license. 0 -
I have one dedicated server divided up in to 6 VPS's. I was paying for 7 cpanel licences at $13.93/month which I considered expensive but I had to have the cpanel. My total cpanel bill per month was $97.93 CAD in one month (January) it jumped to 11 licences for $989.78!!! over a 1000% increase!!! Im currently hosting with OVH canada and have submitted two support tickets. If I don't not get a satisfactory resolution in the next 48 hours I will be either shutting down my business or going with another hosting provider that can provide a more affordable control panel solution. I hope someone at Cpanel see's this and can be beacon of light on this situation and help me out. Thanks. 0 -
Our licenses prior to our change had been $35 dollars and that rate had been in place for over a decade. When we changed the license structure the price increased by $10 dollars for users that were on hardware servers. What the reseller charges though, we did not make modifications to.
What about the CPanel license - version 11 for Virtuozzo - 1 month I was paying $13.99 CAD for? Im now being charged for Cpanel license Premier Cloud - 100 accounts - 1 month for $44.99 CAD??0 -
Hello, I have one dedicated server divided up in to 6 VPS's. I was paying for 7 cpanel licences at $13.93/month which I considered expensive but I had to have the cpanel. My total cpanel bill per month was $97.93 CAD in one month (January) it jumped to 11 licences for $989.78!!! over a 1000% increase!!!
It sounds a lot like you were purchasing your license through a reseller and the reseller had a special rate. cPanel has never charged $13.93/mo for its licenses and we do not control increases or decreases in cost for licenses a reseller controls. From what it sounds like, you're now paying the normal cost for licensing rather than your reseller's promotional rate.What about the CPanel license - version 11 for Virtuozzo - 1 month I was paying $13.99 CAD for? Im now being charged for Cpanel license Premier Cloud - 100 accounts - 1 month for $44.99 CAD??
We don't do a specific license for VZ but we do have a license tier for Cloud-based servers which VZ would qualify for, but if you have over 30 accounts and under 100 accounts $45 USD would be the correct pricing for per month licensing. You can see the available licensing costs here: PricingIm currently hosting with OVH canada and have submitted two support tickets. If I don't not get a satisfactory resolution in the next 48 hours I will be either shutting down my business or going with another hosting provider that can provide a more affordable control panel solution.
To clarify, have you submitted support tickets with OVH or with cPanel? If with us, please provide me the ticket ID and I can make sure that your issues get addressed.0 -
"but if you have over 30 accounts and under 100 accounts" - What do you define as an 'account'? 0 -
"It sounds a lot like you were purchasing your license through a reseller and the reseller had a special rate. cPanel has never charged $13.93/mo for its licenses and we do not control increases or decreases in cost for licenses a reseller controls. From what it sounds like, you're now paying the normal cost for licensing rather than your reseller's promotional rate." - Your rate is $14/ one account I have 5 VPS's with only 1 account. why would I be charged $44.99/mo on those? 0 -
"but if you have over 30 accounts and under 100 accounts" - What do you define as an 'account'?
As a reseller, you would have had one account. Your customers you resold to would have each had an account. Each account can have multiple domains but it's all contained by one user.Your rate is $14/ one account I have 5 VPS's with only 1 account. why would I be charged $44.99/mo on those?
This sounds like something you would need to speak with your provider about, as I previously mentioned what they charge you is not within our control. On a supported cloud environment (VZ is typically supported) You would qualify with 1 account for a cPanel Solo license which is $15/mo. This can be seen here: Pricing as well0 -
I don't think the pricing is _that_ bad, considering we do have support with the product, and just like all goods and services, some improvements can be made. So far, support has been very helpful and quite quick to answer tickets which is always appreciated. Now the way they handle licensing can use vast improvements as cPanel is to quick to suspend a license which causes problems with other parts of the service. I've been using cPanel for years and it's been a solid 7.5 out of 10, with improvements' to licensing I'll consider it at least an 8 out of 10. They also go a step beyond in most cases in supporting not just cpanel, but a number of other products being used in cPanel.
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