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How to update cPanel's included Composer version?



  • cPanelLauren
    We're definitely running a newer version for composer: [root@server ~]# rpm -qa |grep composer cpanel-php-composer-1.8.6-1.cp1186.noarch
    Which version of cPanel & WHM are you running?
  • ItsMattSon
    Hi @cPanelLauren, According to the top-right of WHM, I'm running v86.0.21 I ran the same command as you and mine says the same: [CODE=bash][root@srv ~]$ rpm -qa |grep composer cpanel-php-composer-1.8.6-1.cp1186.noarch
    Strange that this command shows different though? [CODE=bash][root@srv ~]$ composer -V Composer version 1.3.2 2017-01-27 18:23:41
    Looks like there is an alias in /etc/bashrc on Ln99 for composer, not sure if I made this but I don't think I did. [CODE=bash]# CUSTOM export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin alias composer="/usr/local/bin/php -d memory_limit=1G -d allow_url_fopen=1 -d detect_unicode=0 /opt/cpanel/composer/bin/composer"
    Does that alias exist for you as well? Also, what result do you get if you do composer -V? I find this odd too... Package unavailable to reinstall? [CODE=bash][user@srv ~]$ sudo yum reinstall cpanel-php-composer Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, universal-hooks Setting up Reinstall Process Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile * EA4: * cpanel-addons-production-feed: * cpanel-plugins: * base: * epel: * extras: * updates: Installed package cpanel-php-composer-1.8.6-1.cp1186.noarch not available. Error: Nothing to do
  • cPanelLauren
    I've got a few differences on my test server: Though you shouldn't run it as root: [root@server logs]# composer -V Do not run Composer as root/super user! See for details Composer version 1.8.6 2019-06-11 15:03:05
    I get the same output as a user though. Then nothing in bashrc referencing it: [root@server ~]# grep composer /etc/bashrc [root@server ~]#
    What's the output of the following? which composer
  • ItsMattSon
    Hi @cPanelLauren, I removed the alias in /etc/bashrc as I probably did create that in hindsight. Anyway, here's the which :) [CODE=bash][user@srv ~]$ which composer /opt/cpanel/composer/bin/composer [user@srv ~]$ composer -V Composer version 1.3.2 2017-01-27 18:23:41
    When did cPanel update Composer to your version? Did it jump from my version to your version? The reason I ask is because if upcp updates it during cPanel version upgrades but it updates it using "composer self-update" then it won't have worked. Composer devs confirmed in the GitHub issue that to upgrade to the version beyond 1.7 (i think) a full uninstall/reinstall is mandatory. If your test instance of cPanel was installed using a version of cPanel that has Composer that is > 1.7.2 (at the very least) then you won't be able to replicate this. The question is, how can I update my cPanel-bundled version of Composer now since I cannot upgrade using "composer self-update"? Thanks in advance.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Hey there! The last two updates to Composer are in the 76 and 84 change logs. I see this in version 76:
    • Fixed case CPANEL-23289: Update cpanel-php-composer to version 1.7.2.
    and this in version 84:
    • Fixed case CPANEL-28612: Update rpm.versions for cpanel-php-composer 1.8.6-2.cp1184.
    It might be best to submit a ticket to our support team so we could try and track down why you're seeing different data than expected as that package should update normally as part of the cPanel updates on the machine.
  • ItsMattSon
    Hey there! The last two updates to Composer are in the 76 and 84 change logs. I see this in version 76:
    • Fixed case CPANEL-23289: Update cpanel-php-composer to version 1.7.2.
    and this in version 84:
    • Fixed case CPANEL-28612: Update rpm.versions for cpanel-php-composer 1.8.6-2.cp1184.
    It might be best to submit a ticket to our support team so we could try and track down why you're seeing different data than expected as that package should update normally as part of the cPanel updates on the machine.

    Hi cPRex, With respect, I'm happy to keep working through this in this thread as I'm curious how to resolve it for my own information. Here's some information that might help explain what has happened? Directory: /opt/cpanel/composer/bin [root@srv bin]# stat * File: `composer' Size: 1816271 Blocks: 3552 IO Block: 4096 regular file Device: 55d0b6f1h/1439741681d Inode: 2623242 Links: 1 Access: (0755/-rwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 0/ root) Gid: ( 0/ root) Access: 2020-05-21 12:01:04.235048449 +0800 Modify: 2017-02-21 11:45:22.156929129 +0800 Change: 2017-02-21 11:45:22.167929360 +0800 File: `composer.rpmnew' Size: 1915161 Blocks: 3744 IO Block: 4096 regular file Device: 55d0b6f1h/1439741681d Inode: 2621621 Links: 1 Access: (0755/-rwxr-xr-x) Uid: ( 1/ bin) Gid: ( 1/ bin) Access: 2020-05-21 12:31:34.932577961 +0800 Modify: 2019-08-28 03:18:01.000000000 +0800 Change: 2019-11-12 04:01:18.893332759 +0800
    It looks like the composer.rpmnew is the correct version as I performed -V on it and it came up correct to the 86 version. However it must've failed to replace the original composer which is the 1.3.2 version. The user:group "bin" is interesting. What would cause this binary from being moved over the top of composer and the user:group being left as bin and not root? Would love to know also how to "force" a reinstall of that rpm if you pretty please could advise. I'm slightly concerned that other bundled 3rd-party software isn't being updated either now unfortunately. What's another piece of software that changed version in v86 (please provide version for comparison) that I can check my version of? Thanks so much!
  • ItsMattSon
    Hi @cPanelLauren and @cPRex, Unsure how come my old composer never got updated and the one I was supposed to have was appended .rpmnew but I've managed to resolve this (hopefully the correct way). I learned of a cPanel-provided script that would check the health of the RPMs, here: /scripts/check_cpanel_rpms [user@srv ~]$ sudo /scripts/check_cpanel_rpms [2020-05-22 15:05:01 +0800] [2020-05-22 15:05:01 +0800] Problems were detected with cPanel-provided files which are RPM controlled. [2020-05-22 15:05:01 +0800] If you did not make these changes intentionally, you can correct them by running: [2020-05-22 15:05:01 +0800] [2020-05-22 15:05:01 +0800] > /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/check_cpanel_rpms --fix [2020-05-22 15:05:01 +0800] [2020-05-22 15:05:01 +0800] The following files were found to be altered from their original RPM: [2020-05-22 15:05:01 +0800] cpanel-php-composer,1.8.6,1.cp1186 [2020-05-22 15:05:01 +0800] Do you want to repair these RPMs?(y/n): y [2020-05-22 15:05:34 +0800] Removing 1 broken rpms: cpanel-php-composer-1.8.6-1.cp1186.noarch [2020-05-22 15:05:34 +0800] Maximum sync children set to 16 based on 5541M available memory. [2020-05-22 15:05:35 +0800] Downloading [2020-05-22 15:05:35 +0800] Successfully verified signature for cpanel (key types: release). [2020-05-22 15:05:35 +0800] Maximum sync children set to 16 based on 5535M available memory. [2020-05-22 15:05:35 +0800] Downloading [2020-05-22 15:05:35 +0800] Disabling service monitoring. [2020-05-22 15:05:35 +0800] Hooks system enabled. [2020-05-22 15:05:35 +0800] Checking for and running RPM::Versions 'pre' hooks for any RPMs about to be installed [2020-05-22 15:05:35 +0800] All required 'pre' hooks have been run [2020-05-22 15:05:35 +0800] No RPMS need to be uninstalled [2020-05-22 15:05:35 +0800] Installing new rpms: cpanel-php-composer-1.8.6-1.cp1186.noarch.rpm [2020-05-22 15:05:35 +0800] Preparing packages for installation... [2020-05-22 15:05:35 +0800] cpanel-php-composer-1.8.6-1.cp1186 [2020-05-22 15:05:35 +0800] Releasing lock for Cpanel::RPM::Versions::File [2020-05-22 15:05:35 +0800] Hooks system enabled. [2020-05-22 15:05:35 +0800] Checking for and running RPM::Versions 'post' hooks for any RPMs about to be installed [2020-05-22 15:05:35 +0800] All required 'post' hooks have been run [2020-05-22 15:05:35 +0800] Restoring service monitoring.
    I then went back to /opt/cpanel/composer/bin directory to check if the composer version was now correct. [user@srv bin]$ composer -V Composer version 1.8.6 2019-06-11 15:03:05
    The above version, date and time matches Lauren's output exactly so I think we are sorted :) Thanks for your input and guidance.
  • cPanelLauren
    I'm so glad that the script picked up that it needed an update. I think your suspicion is correct that whenever it attempted to update composer the update failed and you were left with the old version. I'm glad you were able to get this resolved and thanks to @cPRex for jumping in while I was away!

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