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Whm/Cpanel shared Licenses



  • piyushmaheswari
    Not Possible to block all this type businesses . The only way from which we can stop these businesses is not taking from them, if we not take from them then they will not sell these anymore. We should always purchase a verified and authorized License from cpanel or any Partner NOC . Nulled / Cracked License have many issues, many bugs and many security patches, and if we purchase from any person who is selling nulled and if we face any issue then they will not solve but if we purchase original License from Cpanel then cpanel solve our all issues in just some time, so if you want to run a long time business without any issues always purchase a verified and authorized License from Cpanel.
  • hmaddy
    Not Possible to block all this type businesses . The only way from which we can stop these businesses is not taking from them, if we not take from them then they will not sell these anymore. We should always purchase a verified and authorized License from cpanel or any Partner NOC . Nulled / Cracked License have many issues, many bugs and many security patches, and if we purchase from any person who is selling nulled and if we face any issue then they will not solve but if we purchase original License from Cpanel then cpanel solve our all issues in just some time, so if you want to run a long time business without any issues always purchase a verified and authorized License from Cpanel.

    sir, All these i know it very well. i have more than 50+ original licenses.
  • cPanelLauren
    I believe it's pretty obvious as well when you're going to purchase a nulled license - don't ever let someone install software on your server which you're unfamiliar with and if it sounds too good to be true in a lot of cases it is (when it comes to price)
  • CB-Services
    For people wanting to do this... Think again...
  • sajithgsm
    Due to cPanel's high pricing structure, the shared license sellers will be rich. That is the truth.
  • hmaddy
    May be, But no security on your data.
  • quietFinn
    I rather pay high prices than compromise security of my servers.
  • Bakugan
    Very nice to see the "cPanel collaborators" advising on not using pirated licenses that is unsafe .... However, they forget a simple factor that the low price that competitors who use NULL do simply break who wants to work correctly The issue is not whether the license is pirated or not, but the unfair competition and the financial impact that this generates. And unfortunately we don't see cpanel fighting just raise prices and bring no news.
  • hmaddy
    Absolutely right and this price increase will destroy the business and industry.
  • bitpt
    with a fair cpanel price noone need to buy obscure licences
  • vacancy
    Very true. The definitive solution for these illegal licenses is to reduce the license prices, if the license prices are appropriate, no one will buy such licenses. The reason for the widespread use of illegal licenses is the greedy webpros and their lousy pricing policy. If necessary, support is not provided for affordable licenses, and those who want to receive support pay a fee. Greedy webpros should consider this. webpros is a hell. !!!
  • story_gooo
    Unfortunately, these sites will continue to earn a lot of money, especially after following the Cpanel, to raise the price every period
  • Eduado_sep

    This business is no longer profitable, cpanel has a very high price and is not compatible with the prices offered in commerce, I could not explain why a hosting provider sells at 14 dollars a year for a space of 7 GB, it is ridiculous, it is obviously shared, you can not compete with it.

  • Eduado_sep

    Now I don't understand what happens with legality, does anyone regulate them?

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Eduado_sep - I'm not entirely sure what you're asking - can you provide me with more details?

  • Eduado_sep

    @cprex There are many license providers that sell vps licenses with unlimited accounts, there are several, in India, South Africa, Germany, etc, the prices are very low, they do not exceed 6 dollars. I wonder if it is legal or if someone regulates it.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    If it seems to good to be true, it likely is.

    If you have found a fraudulent license seller, please report it to and we'll look into it.

  • Eduado_sep

    It is true, just put shared license cpanel in Google, that's why my question, is it possible to offer shared licenses or purchase them.
    Since you are from cpanel, do you know if it is possible to purchase 100 licenses and redistribute them in 2 vps 50 and 50, as it seems to me that the plans are charged to an ip, I would appreciate it if you could clarify.

  • CB-Services

    Don't use the shared lics, you are giving access to your server shared with much other servers aswell, the way the shared license needs to be installed leave you vulnerable. It's not save and not legal.

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    Eduado_sep - yes, you can become a Partner and resell cPanel licenses.  If you'd like more details on that please email and we'll be happy to help!

  • Eduado_sep

    How do I know if are partners and not fake resellers?

  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator

    You can always try searching our Partner directory at, or you can ask me.  I currently do not see them listed as a Partner, but that doesn't mean they don't have other valid individual licenses with us.


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