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  • kodeslogic
    My assumption is that there are restrictions on updating very old threads (of 2017, 2018).
  • Michael-Inet
    That would have been mine too, except I just updated a thread from 2011, so thread age doesn't seem to play a part?
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Hey there! The issue isn't that your account is blocked or restricted, but that some threads or even entire forums have been reorganized, so no one can reply to those anymore. If you see any you'd like to reply to but can't, let me know through a PM and I can see about getting that adjusted. In general though, there's probably not much to contribute to a 3-4 year old thread, so creating a new one is likely the best way to go to get some results. I did activate the bash thread you mention here just so you can see that working now on your side, but let me know if you run into anything else!
  • Michael-Inet
    Hi @cPRex , I actually agree with the close old threads, until it's the first hit from Google :(. Best, and Thanks, Michael
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    If you see something that is still good info let me know and I can make sure we get an article created for it here: Support Topics " cPanel

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