obfuscation and or minify
I was wondering if cPanel had a obfuscation tool or minify tool for js ?
I am working on a social project that i hope to release this next year and i was wondering what my options were regardking minfy or obfuscation.
Also with cPanel being such a big company with a huge product and they dont use anything like that, how does cPanel protect its product. Sometimes i think if cPanel does not need it then why do i. Is the reason you dont do it more than just deep pockets, license and great attornies? Is there another reason you dont obfuscate your code. Im trying to learn how to or if i need to protect my investment. Some tips and suggestions and stuff would be nice.... thanks :0
Hi @durangod, I'm not aware of any but a cPanel rep will step in to confirm. cPanel software isn't open-source software. Have you considered Ioncube? I know the WHMCS team use it for obfuscation. 0 -
As @ZenHostingTravis mentioned, cPanel isn't open source, with many of the files being compiled on the system. I also don't have a tool readily available for this, but this is more to do with the actual code development process and how that is handled than the cPanel tools. You might have better luck reaching out on some development forums, but I'm going to move this post over to our developer area to see if that gets it some more action. 0 -
Thanks, yeah i have heard that the closure compiler is good but i get a error on advanced usage. I used to do modules for WHMCS so i know that they use IonCube which is great. I have also edited pages in cpanel before when i had my other server. So it may not be open source but its not encrypted or obfuscated either that i know of... I was just thinking outloud is all....its probably just a really good license and good attorneys as to why they dont... thanks The thing is none of us knows what to expect when we open the doors to the world on our projects, everything could go very well or we could get eaten by sharks lol :)
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