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CPANEL-35144 - CentOS8 install error due to powertools repo



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Hey hey! We're on it, and have case CPANEL-35144 open to get the installer adjusted. It looks like this will actually be in production this week from what I'm seeing, so you can keep an eye on the change logs here to see when that goes live:
  • aled2305
    Hey hey! We're on it, and have case CPANEL-35144 open to get the installer adjusted. It looks like this will actually be in production this week from what I'm seeing, so you can keep an eye on the change logs here to see when that goes live:
  • chirpy
    As a workaround: edit /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Linux-PowerTools.repo and copy the [powertools] section to [PowerTools]
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    @aled2305 - The workaround provided by @chirpy would work to fix the repository, but it won't work during the cPanel installation process. For the actual install to be fixed you'll need to wait for that case to be resolved.
  • splaquet
    not sure if it'd fix the issue, but i read that it was updated to powertools (from PowerTools)
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    @splaquet - thanks for bringing this thread to my attention again. We have fixed the installer on our side for all 92 and 94 versions, I just didn't get around to updating this thread.
  • splaquet
    i gave it a shot... and sure enough, it went through as expected. thank you kindly, sir i realize this one's off topic. but how about removing the namespace limit on MySQL 8 tables & usernames? i installed MySQL8 (because why would I not?!) and now have the server up and ready to port over some of my personal sites, for testing and performance benchmarking. BUT (note the BIG BUT?), due to DB/username character limitations (set by cPanel i'd assume?), there are a few hiccups with the export/import process. i also had to run this in mysql: SET GLOBAL log_bin_trust_function_creators = 1;
    and then this on my .sql import file: sed -i 's/NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER//' mydump.sql
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    @splaquet - could you start a new thread for that issue so we can keep this one focused on the installation case?

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