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High Availability and Redundant cPanel Setup on Digital Ocean



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Thanks for posting these details :D High availability is definitely on our radar and something we're working towards.
  • Phil.Williams
    No problem. So is my theory correct especially with the file sync and remote MySQL setup going to more than one cPanel server? Those were the bits I was unsure on.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Since it's not something that we support, I can't say for sure what the results would be with that specific tool. If their managed database tool lets you sync data across multiple servers, it may be a good solution.
  • Phil.Williams
    I'll give it a shot and see what happens. It's charged by the hour after all ;)
  • gnusys
    Some points I thought worth mentioning 1. It is better to use Unison than Lsyncd for the filesystem sync as you will definitely need bidirectional sync if the web scripts are uploading files 2. You will need a script to sed 's/master-ip/slave-ip/' for the apache config as the Virtual Host def's will have the IP: port specific to the master 3. Not sure if DO managed MySQL provide root MySQL access which is needed if cPanel Remote MySQL feature is to be used 4. Memcached traffic is hard to encrypt and therefore if your servers are across DC's the session data is open and can be overheard by anyone. You can easily use filesystem session storage and possibly a session stickiness on the LB so a user always connect to the same server Do share your story of success/failure/issues as all are worth sharing/reading
  • Phil.Williams
    Hi Anoop and thanks for answering my endless questions yesterday! 1. Fair point, I'll check unison 2. Yep, planning on replicating vhost data 3. They don't set you up as root but do create a root user. Remains to be seen if this will work. Even if not then I could still use a master/slave setup with my own MySQL setup 4. I was considering that. Planning on an VPC network locked down to just those droplets to negate that problem. If I get this working I'll certainly update though!
  • WorkinOnIt
    @Phil.Williams Following this! Very keen to set this up myself. How haver you got on so far?
    • One of the issues you have not addressed is email and DNS. How have you handled these in terms of failover?
    • What happens on new account creations / terminations etc on the master?
    • Would you care to elaborate on why Autom8n was not suitable?
    • Are you able to offer further guidance on what is working well?
    Thank you for sharing

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