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Cpu arround 100%



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Hey there! The first question I would need to know is how many CPU cores does your system have? You can see this by typing in "nproc" on the command line of the system. If this is a multi-core system, that output looks normal to me, and simply says that the "top" command you are currently running is uring 47% of one CPU core. That may seem high, but it's likely only happening for a few seconds while the command runs. It would be better to sort the "top" output by CPU usage which you can do by pressing Shift and P at the same time. Shift and M sorts by memory usage. If you are consistently seeing processes using that much CPU it would be a good idea to speak to your hosting provider as that could indicate a problem with the hardware on the system.
  • mic84
    thanks for your prompt message. see attach file nproc = 32 I did not arrive shift P and after shift M. 100% cpu permanently. I joined the server service. he noted that he killed the processes on Sunday Dec 27. 2020 at 09:54:34. See attached file but the cpu 100% came back 30 hours later. I asked for more information but he did not answer me with an interesting message. " I translate with google in English to avoid too many language errors "
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    If this is a 32-core system I wouldn't worry at all about the numbers you have provided as that indicates the server is running just fine.
  • mic84
    around 15 12 2020 I had 508 server messages in progress they got me then kill processes on 27 12 2020. I haven't had an error 508 message on the site since the 27th. But the service asked me to do some research because they think it will come back. I can maybe wait for the number of processes to increase. there were around 25
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I'm not sure when you mean when you say "server messages in progress" - can you get me more details on that?
  • mic84
    i mean frequency of 508 codes or limited resource increased in number after several days . that's why the web hosting service killed me the processes
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Do you have root access to this system or only cPanel access?
  • mic84
    i have only cpanel access
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    With only cPanel access I wouldn't have much additional troubleshooting I can provide. You may want to show this output you've found to your hosting provider or datacenter to see if they can check the system for high load on their end, as even with all those cores I wouldn't expect "top" to use that much CPU.
  • mic84
    Hello, do you think that on cpanel I can stop this process by deleting it? I can put the site in maintenance before doing this manipulation
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Which process are you referring to? The "top" command will stop itself as soon as you stop using the tool on the command line.
  • mic84
    I do not understand. today so why pid 3516347 and 730882 are still there (see attached file) the same top command
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    When you had your processes open yesterday, did you "control + c" out of them to close them? If not, you can just kill those processes as they aren't needed for anything.
  • mic84
    I understand I didn't know that I had to end up with "control + c" Thanks. to kill pid 3516347 and 730882. could you tell me the correct syntax. Terminal is new for me. thank you
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    You can just use the following two commands, one at a time, to kill each process: kill 3516347 kill 730882
    Can you try that and see if that works?
  • mic84
    Great I just do the manipulation. everything looks perfect to me so far. thanks a lot for your help. I can finished the year with a cpu at less than 10%. I wish you a happy end of year 2020 Michel
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I'm glad to see that's working well now!

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