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liteSpeed Unlimited, very vague description of what we get for 45.00 please advise



  • Spirogg
    Also if I needed support for litespeed with any setup options etc. would I get support from cPanel or litespeed ? Thanks Spiro
  • Handssler Lopez
    I am interested in knowing your answer since I have a similar question @LitespeedLucas
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Hey hey! I haven't abandoned this thread, but while looking into it I did find some discrepancies in our documentation that I want to get resolved before I give an authoritative statement. I'll post a better update as soon as I have one.
  • George_Fusioned
    I am interested in knowing your answer since I have a similar question @LitespeedLucas

    From the man himself :) -01-22 at 2.09.36 PM.png">70057
  • Spirogg
    @wintech2003 thanks so much for that info ( your the best) @cPRex i guess this is the information you all need to update :) Kind Regards, Spiro
  • Spirogg
    Hey hey! I haven't abandoned this thread, but while looking into it I did find some discrepancies in our documentation that I want to get resolved before I give an authoritative statement. I'll post a better update as soon as I have one.

    @cPRex can you let me know who is going to support me? if I buy the cPanel lic of LiteSpeed ( will it be cPanel or LiteSpeed
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    If you buy the license through us, you can direct all your questions to cPanel's support team. If we aren't able to resolve the issue we can escalate it internally to Litespeed so you only have to deal with one support system :D
  • Spirogg
    If you buy the license through us, you can direct all your questions to cPanel's support team. If we aren't able to resolve the issue we can escalate it internally to Litespeed so you only have to deal with one support system :D

    ok great just purchased last night and installed.. thanks again and its 3 workers incase anyone needs to know unlimited websites ram and 3 workers. come with LSCache standard. 1 dollar less than the 2 worker enterprise edition on website. thanks Spiro
  • Spirogg
    From the man himself :) -01-22 at 2.09.36 PM.png">70057

    thank you @wintech2003 for this information, you were right on the money :) purchased last night 3 worker vs 2 and 1.00 cheaper. can't go wrong. :)
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Alrighty, here is the official word and what we'll be updating our documentation with soon: LiteSpeed 8GB - 8GB RAM limit and one worker process. LiteSpeed Unlimited - Unlimited RAM and three worker processes. The RAM limit applies to the server or virtual private server (VPS). If your server's physical memory is greater than 8GB, then the server **cannot** run LiteSpeed 8GBB. You **must** use LiteSpeed Unlimited. The number of workers determines how many processes LiteSpeed Web Server uses, limiting the CPU resource needs.

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