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Boxtrapper Whitelist - How to match partial subject?



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Hey there! You sure can! Here's the rules for the whitelists on that page: "The list should contain one entry per line. Each entry should be formatted as a Perl regular expression. For example: would be john\@example\.com and all addresses at would be ".+\@example\.com" (without the quotation marks)" Can you try that and see if that works for you?
  • kgs
    Thank you. I have seen that, but it only addresses e-mail addresses. I am trying to whitelist according the beginning of a partial subject. Are you suggesting the entry should be: [QUOTE]from [Webstore] Order # .+
    ??? Thank you.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Yes, I'd expect that to work on subjects as well. If not, let me know!
  • kgs
    [QUOTE]subject [Webstore] Order #.+
    Did not work. Still got caught in the boxtrapper.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Let me play around with this on my end and I'll update you soon!
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I setup the whitelist to use the following value: subject \[Webstore\] Order \#
    and that got things up to the point before the order number itself. The rest would depend on how many characters are in your order number. For example, if you have 4-digit order numbers, you'd want to do something like this: subject \[Webstore\] Order \#[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]
    Can you try that and see if that gets things working how you expect?
  • kgs
    Rockin! That worked. Thank you! Maybe I was having trouble because I hadn't escaped the brackets and hashtag? It also appears to work with "placed by John Smith" after the order number. Any idea why it still works?
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Ah - add a $ to the end to stop the pattern match sequence - then it won't let through anything after the digits.
  • kgs
    Thank you. I have another problem now. These messages are still getting stuck in boxtrapper because the FROM and TO are the same: [QUOTE]Queuing possibly forged email from self ye****@i****.org/[Webstore] Order #1679 placed by John Smith
    I can't change the FROM address. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    My first recommendation would be to change the "from" address on those messages, but you've said that isn't an option. second recommendation would be to add another whitelist entry to exclude that check, although that does potentially open up the one email account to more spoof-type messages that may be sent "from" the same address. It's a small risk, but it's technically there.
  • kgs
    So passing one whitelist rule does not overcome the possibly forged email rule. Got it. Okay, thanks for your help!
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    You're welcome!
  • Roybar

    My son showed me trick matching start of Subject that is use a ^  caret.  Like this 

    subject ^QUOT      this matches ONLY starting with 'QUOT' "QUOTATION #123"      "QUOTED yesterday"  etc 

    subject  QUOT (without the precede ^) it matches 'QUOT' ANYWHERE in subject line    i.e.  "My QUOTE to you"

    Hope this helps 


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