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Is there a way/application to achieve with cpanel the same as you would with



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Hey there! There isn't anything included with cPanel that would provide that functionality, so you'd want to look into third-party tools you could install on the machine that would perform that type of work.
  • jfu576
    Hey there! There isn't anything included with cPanel that would provide that functionality, so you'd want to look into third-party tools you could install on the machine that would perform that type of work.

    Hi cPRex, Got it! As it's a shared LAMP install, all i got, apart from cPanel access, is ftp access with execute permissions in the home/user directory. To install a 3rd party app i need a VPS Operating System right? Even so not sure a connection to the local browser would be easy to achieve. I could be looking at a script for that to work. I can work locally while preserving an (up to date) live copy in the server. But that will be a hassle... Let me know what would you do in my case? Thank you!
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Thanks for the additional details. The level of access you need would depend on if your server already meets the requirements for the application you want to use. If so, you may be able to perform the installation as the cPanel user, although shell access might be required. If not, you'd have to speak with your host to see if they could enable any missing PHP requirements before you tried the installation.
  • jfu576
    Thanks for the additional details. The level of access you need would depend on if your server already meets the requirements for the application you want to use. If so, you may be able to perform the installation as the cPanel user, although shell access might be required. If not, you'd have to speak with your host to see if they could enable any missing PHP requirements before you tried the installation.

    Thanks cPRex! If they don't give me temporary root access in my "Cage System" shared install, I'll ask them to install it themselves.
  • jfu576
    Host provider confirmed
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    I'm glad they were able to confirm that :D If you have any questions about stepping up to a VPS, we're here to help!

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