Upgrade an empty MySQL 8 to MariaDB
Hey there! This is not a way to switch from MySQL 8 to MariaDB at this time. We mention this in our documentation here: MySQL/MariaDB Upgrade | cPanel & WHM Documentation "You cannot upgrade MySQL 8 to MariaDB 10.x due to MariaDB"s documentation. However, system administrators can change databases from MySQL 8 to MariaDB 10.3 during the cPanel & WHM version 92 installation process. For more information, read our Customize Your Installation | cPanel & WHM Documentation 0 -
@cPRex Thank you for reply, As I mentioned I don't have any database and data to worry about losing or converting, So is it hard to uninstall current MySQL and install MariaDB ? -1 -
The process of removing and reinstalling, or any type of downgrade, isn't supported by cPanel at all, so I don't have any official details I can provide on my end for that type of work, unfortunately. 0 -
@cPRex Thank you for reply, As I mentioned I don't have any database and data to worry about losing or converting, So is it hard to uninstall current MySQL and install MariaDB ?
If you have CloudLinux installed on the server, you might be able to switch mysql 8 into mariadb 10.3 using the documentation here:0 -
The process of removing and reinstalling, or any type of downgrade, isn't supported by cPanel at all, so I don't have any official details I can provide on my end for that type of work, unfortunately.
Hello With this method I was able to uninstall mysql 8 and install mariadb 10.5 I attach link Jimmy B. - Converting From MySQL 8.0 to MariaDB 10.5 on a cPanel & WHM Server I clarify that this worked for me in a new installation of cPanel on Almalinux 8 Greetings Leonard -- Espa"ol Hola Con este metodo pude desinstalar mysql 8 e instalar mariadb 10.5 Adjunto link Jimmy B. - Converting From MySQL 8.0 to MariaDB 10.5 on a cPanel & WHM Server Aclaro que esto me funciono en una instalacion nueva de cPanel sobre Almalinux 8 Saludos Leonardo2 -
olexyn FREAKING THANK YOU. They should really include that in their documentation! All I've been finding is that we have to reinstall and do some config file before install. Your method should be the answer!
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olexyn thank you so much!
Your method should be included officially in cPanel docs!
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It would be nice to include it.
In 2024 mariadb will be installed by default.Sería bueno que se incluya.
En el 2024 mariadb se instalará por defecto.0 -
Update - this is scheduled to be included in the new installer that will work with version 118.
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UPDATE - It is now the end of March 2024, getting ready to start Q2 and version 118 still installed MySQL 8 on me. I am fairly sure it didn't ask my preference anyplace very obvious, because I sure as heck would not have selected MySQL, as all of my shared hosting servers use MariaDB. This is a huge inconvenience this far into the setup. I already have everything configured including branding, and 3 sites on this new server. So what happened to "this is scheduled to be included in the new installer that will work with version 118?"
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This isn't the type of option where it would ask you - you would specifically need to know the value exists and add it as part of the installer.
The specific dev team I want to poke about this is already out for the weekend, but I'll check back on this next week and let you know what I find out!
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I have confirmed this hasn't been added to the installer just yet. I'm hoping this still happens, but I don't have any timeline for the work at this point.
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@olexyn thank you so much! It was so simple since we hadn't migrated any sites yet.
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Just got burnt by this too. cPanel as I thought now defaulted to MariaDB, but it installed MySQL 8. I only realised after customising everything too. Advice from support was to wipe clean, re-install OS and cPanel. :(
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@olexyn thanks! I have blank install too. Just wondering, has anyone noticed any problems down the track with this conversion? I'm just wondering why cPanel doesn't recommend this method, they're very smart people and running a few commands like this seems pretty straight-forward -- much simpler than a reinstall of everything.
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How are you doing?
I have problem with mysql and maria db.
Did you manage to switch from mysql and mariadb without reinstalling?
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I converted on a blank install without issue. If you already have MySQL databases belonging to users, then I'm not so sure.
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That's right I already have mysql account with users. Problem is that I have a website that does not fit mysql as it comes from another cpanel account with mariadb.
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Thank you @olexyn , you have saved me hours of time. cPanel needs to add this into the "Upgrade Database" section of WHM. And they need to do it YESTERDAY!
(all be it with the condition that there should not yet be any user databases already created).0
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