SSh Login Fail
I Haved a Cpale website
I haved add a count (not root)
create ssh key
download public ssh key (.ppk)
use putty.exe to login, use website ,port 22, auth file (id_ras.ppk)
But show : Network error : Software caused connection abort
And block my ip to connet cPanel website
So I Have try almost 10 ip to try to connect by ssh in my compay, But still not work
Q1: Is it necessary to connect to cPanel with ssh key ?
Q2: Howto unblock my ip by my cPanel website ?
Q3: Any suggestion to connect to website by ssh
putty connect fail 0 -
ssh key authorized 0 -
Greetings, Might I suggest checking the Manage Shell Access utility in WHM... Manage Shell Access | cPanel & WHM Documentation Make sure that normal or jail shell is enabled for the user in question. Additionally, I would recommend checking /var/log/secure for more details about what is actually happening when you fail to log in. The error message itself does not specifically suggest authentication failure, so it may well be some other condition. 0 -
How to unblock myip from my cPanel website ? reboot? how to reboot ? 0
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