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Exim smarthost recipient DNS lookups



  • cPDavidL
    Howdy, RVI! Indeed that is intended behavior. However, it can be configured to skip dns. To quote exim documentation: 20. The manualroute router [QUOTE] Addresses with the same domain are normally routed by the manualroute router to the same list of hosts. However, this cannot be presumed, because the router options and preconditions may refer to the local part of the address. By default, therefore, Exim routes each address in a message independently. DNS servers run caches, so repeated DNS lookups are not normally expensive, and in any case, personal messages rarely have more than a few recipients.
    For more information about dnslookup: 51. Some common configuration settings
  • RVI
    Hi David. Thanks very much. Is it the " same_domain_copy_routing" setting that you're referring to? I understood that to mean that the first time that Exim comes across a domain, it will do a DNS lookup, then if same_domain_copy_routing is set, it will skip subsequent lookups to the same domain. But it will always do one lookup per domain. If message delivery is via another host, then there shouldn't be a need to do even one lookup on the recipient's domain since Exim won't be handling delivery of the message - it'll be the smarthost that does this. Doing this lookup is wasted effort as far as I can see. I couldn't find a setting which tells Exim to skip DNS lookup of the recipient altogether.
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    That sounds correct to me. Here's a section of the Exim docs here:

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