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Mongodb plugin installtion



  • cPJustinD
    Hello ! You are correct in that MongoDB is not currently supported. The cPanel Software supports the installation and usage of MySQL and MariaDB. With that being said, we've published an article that covers this in more detail, as well as includes resources to installation and configuration documentation for MongoDB here:
  • hossein
    hi, after installing with this tutrial :
  • HostNoc
    Install the MongoDB repo: cd /etc/yum.repos.d Paste this code inside: [mongodb] name=MongoDB Repo baseurl=The most popular database for modern apps gpgcheck=0 enabled=1 . Install MongoDB using Yum: yum install mongo-10gen mongo-10gen-server Configure MongoDB to automatically start after reboot: chkconfig mongod on Start MongoDB: service mongod start Use the powerful PECL command to install your MongoDB PHP extension: pecl install mongo Restart Apache to apply changes: service httpd restart verify installation with this command: php -i | grep mongo -i erify installation with this command: php -i | grep mongo -i
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    cPanel itself doesn't provide or support MongoDB. While the above commands may get it working on your server, we can't say how it will interact, if at all, with cPanel tools.
  • natanetwork

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