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Backup consumes all storage space



  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Hey there! Since you were already working with Seth, he could have given you more details in the ticket about how to deal with this. You will need to access the server as root through either an FTP client or the command line in order to remove those files, as they can only be accessed by the root user. The root user would require an sFTP connection to the server. If you aren't familiar with manipulating files as root you may want to reach out to your hosting provider or datacenter for assistance as running the wrong command or deleting the wrong files as root could cause the server to malfunction.
  • h.jirjawi
    true but I want a way to delete the files I don't need in the backup How ?
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    You can only do this from an sFTP connection as root, or a root SSH connection. Once logged in, you would navigate to /backup and delete the backups you no longer need.
  • h.jirjawi
    ok i do it now by log in Terminal then add this command df -h
    and i see the screenshot how i can detect backup file and delete it what is command and steps plz help me
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    If you aren't familiar with terminal, it would be best to use the browser-based tool in WHM >> Terminal as that will load a terminal session directly in your browser. I would strongly recommend you get familiar with the "cd" and "rm" commands as you'll need to use those to navigate the backup directory and remove the files. I am not able to provide the exact commands you will need to resolve the issue, however, you would move to the backup directory by running this command: cd /backup
    and from there you could delete a backup with the "rm -rf" command, as that will remove a folder and its contents. For example, this command would delete the backups created earlier this morning after you have already switched to the /backup directory with the "cd" command: rm -rf 2021-06-22
  • h.jirjawi
    lock my friend i do command in attachment but the size did not change
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    It is possible that particular backup directory did not have much data in it. You can check the size of each directory in /backup with this command: du -h --max-depth 1 /backup
  • h.jirjawi
    ok i do it and see the screenshot in the attachment is /backup 2021-06-21 same /backup or i can delete /backup
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    You don't want to delete /backup - you just want to remove the specific date folders underneath it.
  • h.jirjawi
    how ?
  • cPRex Jurassic Moderator
    Using the previous commands I mentioned it would be this: rm -rf /backup/2021-06-21
  • h.jirjawi
    rm -rf 2021-06-21
  • h.jirjawi
    ok my problem now is solved i want to very thank for you :)
  • HostNoc
    Can you please share the backup policy you set on server and what is the retention eriod
  • h.jirjawi
    how i can share it ?
  • h.jirjawi
    do you mean " Backup Configuration " ?
  • HostNoc
  • HostNoc
    Share screenshot
  • h.jirjawi
    ok lock attachment
  • HostNoc
    HI please confirm if you setup daily /Weekly or alternate days backupand what is the retnention policy. The only issue i see in Global setting is that you did setup incremental backup. Please set incremntal backup so the new backup whih will be made is with only chanages on account not whole old backup. It will help in reducing backup
  • h.jirjawi
    How do I do it my friend?
  • HostNoc
    HI Please use the following settings on Backup configuration and enable incremental backup in global settings
  • h.jirjawi
    i do it but what the different between the previous
  • h.jirjawi
    is this backup can restore from yesterday maximum ?
  • HostNoc
    Yes last 2 backup will be retained and One weekly backup

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